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5 Weight Loss Hacks That You Do Without Realizing It

5 Weight Loss Hacks That You Do Without Realizing It

Believe it or not, you may already be doing the right things in order to lose weight. Read more to see which ones sound like you!


Not all weight loss has to come from weird, dramatic changes in your lifestyle. In fact, you may have a pretty good base for starting to lose weight already, without even knowing it!

Getting 15 minutes of sunlight. Being out in the sun for too long can have its drawbacks, but it can also be great for your health. Spending 15-20 minutes in the sun can improve your mood and reduce your appetite, according to recent studies. Not only that, but you’ll knock out your daily vitamin D requirement In the process!

Drinking ice water. It’s important for everyone to be adequately hydrated, even those who aren’t trying to lose weight. But if you are, ice water may be the way to go. Some research found that drinking chilled water can actually boost your metabolism by up to 12 percent, which means it’ll take off a few more pounds over the year than regular water will. ##MN_RESP##

Keeping the house cold. The human body evolved to withstand cooler temperatures, so why drive up your electrical bill by keeping the house warm? If you can’t keep it chilly, at least don’t turn it up to 75 all the time. Your body will burn calories in the process of keeping itself warm, and will trigger that tricky brown fat that jumpstarts your metabolism.

Weighing yourself once a week. Recent studies show that weighing yourself every day is a surefire way to keep you on track. This may be true, but it’ll probably also drive you crazy in the process. If you weigh yourself once a week, on the same day at the same time, can be the perfect middle ground. According to a Cornell study, people who did this not only didn’t gain weight, but lost weight without consciously changing anything else about their lifestyle.

Using a fitness app. Having a fitness tracker or food journal on your phone makes you more likely to actually track it than if you had a Fitbit or similar fitness tracker. You’re already societally trained to pay attention to your phone, so you’re much more likely to pay attention to a fitness app if it’s on something you already check all the time.

See? You're already on track. The diet and exercise are just the frills.

Which of these lazy weight loss techniques do you use?