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How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin

How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin

If your chin seems to be doubling, your facial muscles might need a little workout of their own. Read on for a great workout!


Even if you regularly put the rest of your body through a daily exercise regime, you are probably neglecting your neck. If your chin seems to be doubling, your facial muscles might need a little workout of their own.

Lifestyle and wellness coach Tracy Campoli has a series of five exercises to help you stretch and strengthen the sagging area under your chin.

This will show you several moves you can do whenever it’s convenient.

Do them while you’re taking off your makeup or walking the dog. You may look a little funny, but Tracy doesn’t mind so why should you?

To ward off the effects of looking down at a computer screen or your smartphone, she shows you how to look up.

Most of the exercises involve extending your chin to the ceiling in ways you probably wouldn’t normally do.

You’ll feel your muscles pull and stretch and as they are used more, the tighter they can be.

These exercises are designed to help you keep everything lifted and toned. Find out how to do your best Jagger impression or recite the vowels.

The exercises will just take a few minutes each day.

You’ll be working to get rid of the slack that happens as you age or because of weight gain. These work for both men and women who need to tone a saggy jawline.

Video Credit: Tracy Campoli via YouTube

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