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You Can Lose Weight Without Doing ANYTHING! Here

You Can Lose Weight Without Doing ANYTHING! Here's How...

There are lots of ways to lose weight and not all of them have to be hard. In fact, there are a ton you can do without really doing anything! Read more to figure out how to lose more weight with less effort.


Weight loss can be a strenuous process. It’s a lot of taking down your carb intake, a lot of upping your protein intake, tons of interval training and exercise. But if you’re looking to lose weight without making a ton of lifestyle changes, you can try a few of these things. They’re easy, you don’t need to diet, and you don’t need to work out!

  • Drink more water. This one is obvious. When you think you’re hungry, a lot of times it’s possible you’re just dehydrated. Try drinking a glass of water before very meal to temper your hunger.
  • Move more during your workday. Get up and walk around every hour or so if you have a desk job, take a walk during your lunch break, or park farther from your office.
  • Switch out your ice cream for dark chocolate. A few squares of rich dark chocolate will satisfy your sweet tooth faster than a Hershey bar or a bowl of cookie dough ice cream, and it’ll keep your calorie count lower. How, you ask? A good (60% or higher) dark chocolate will be so rich that you probably won’t be able to handle more than a couple squares.
  • Hunger isn’t healthy. Just because you want to lose weight doesn’t mean you should be starving yourself all day to eat whatever you want for dinner. Eating too little can throw your body into starving mode (which will make you retain fat), and eating too much at the end of the day can leave your body trying to digest those foods all night (which will also make you retain fat). Make healthy choices, and eat them throughout the day. ##MN_RESP##
  • Cut out non-water beverages. Drinking sodas, milky espresso drinks, fruit juices, and nightly wine can add up your calories without you even knowing it. Cut those out, and you’ll be cutting hundreds of calories. Stick to water with natural flavorings, like cucumber, fresh fruit, or mint.
  • Sleep more. If you skip your eight hours in order to work out harder or get extra work done, you’re going to end up packing on the pounds. Lack of sleep can make you snack more for energy throughout the day and make you less likely to not want to work out. It may seem like sleeping is wasting valuable time, but it’s actually helping you better utilize it.

See? None of these take that much effort. We're even telling you to sleep more, not less. Weight loss doesn't have to be hard.

How do you lose weight quickly?