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How To Lose Weight On A HIGH-CARB Diet!

How To Lose Weight On A HIGH-CARB Diet!

All you ever hear about is cutting carbs to lose weight. But did you know you can LOSE WEIGHT by eating carbs? Read this to find out how!


If you’re trying to lose weight AND eat carbs, the best thing you can do is eat a vegan diet. It doesn’t matter what you’re eating, a vegan diet wins out over vegetarian, pescetarian, and and omnivorous diets.

How much more significant is that weight loss? Well, it’s almost impossible to ignore. When a study was done on people assigned to different kinds of diets, those on a vegan diet lost on average 16.5 more pounds than those on other diets!

What’s more, those on vegan diets got an average of 55 percent of their calories from carbs.

That’s right, they lost more weight while eating more carbs!

But of course, that doesn’t mean you can just eat a ton more pasta and lose weight. The key to a vegan diet is the right carbs.

Carbs that are most plentiful on a vegan diet (fruits, beans, whole grains, etc) have a low glycemic index—that is, they prevent your blood sugar from spiking and crashing. Since you don’t crash as often, you’re not hungry as often either. ##MN_RESP##

Not only that, but lots of veggies are rich in fiber, which is especially filling.

Foods like beans, peanuts, peas, carrots, hummus, and citrus are all super low on the glycemic index scale (under 50 is considered low) and are totally vegan.

So when you’re looking at a diet that allows you to eat carbs and still lose weight, think low glycemic index, and think vegan.

Would you try a vegan diet to lose weight?

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