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What Your Toes Say About Your Personality

What Your Toes Say About Your Personality

Reading palms is an age-old way to tell your future, but what about your feet? Read more to find out the personality mirror you could be missing.


Palm reading is a thing of the past. If you’re looking for a new way to reveal your personality, you may want to try toe reading.

The way you present your feet, according to Jane Sheehan, foot reading expert, says more about you than your palms. It’s not a future reader, but a personality reader.

“When people are depressed, they put all their weight on the front of their feet when walking, so there will be darkened areas of skin on the toepads.”

What else can your toes say about you?

“When you’re embarrassed, the neck of your big toe flushes red,” she says. If your toes are pinched or calloused, it could mean that you’re stressed. ##MN_RESP##

The second toe on your right foot is particularly important, she says, because it shows what you want in your life. “If you are getting [what you want], the toe will be touching the floor. If it isn’t, or if there’s a gap between the second and third to, that indicates you’re trying to separate yourself from your emotions.”

Your fourth toe tells truths about your relationships.

The color of the skin on the feet says a lot, too. Pale skin could indicate exhaustion, yellowness can be frustration. Callousing could be a sign of taking on too much in your life.

Of course, this is all a matter of whether or not someone believes there’s anything to it. But studies done by Sheehan and other researchers have made these connections, and they could end up being helpful to you.

What do you think of this toe-based fortune telling? Is there some truth to it?

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