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Get Luscious Skin And Locks With...Apple Cider Vinegar?!

Get Luscious Skin And Locks With...Apple Cider Vinegar?!

There are home remedies everywhere you look, and some in place you would never expect. Read more to find out how you can make the most of this home product!


Apple cider vinegar may not make you lose weight like we thought, but it does have other uses. And we’re not talking about killing pesky gnats.

It’s actually great for your hair and skin—if you know how to use it.

  1. Use it as a hair rinse. Mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into one cup of water makes a great post-shampoo rinse. The acetic acid in the vinegar helps get residue from hair products out of your hair, leaving it cleaner. Lightly condition your hair afterwards, and you’ll have shiny hair.
  2. Use it to treat dandruff. Mixing an equal ratio of apple cider vinegar to water, massage it into your scalp in the shower before your usual haircare routine. This vinegar has anti-fungal properties, and can balance your scalp’s pH levels so it’s less likely to grow fungus.
  3. Use it to help your bruises heal. Soaking a cotton ball or gauze pad with apple cider vinegar and applying it to your bruise with a bandage can help soothe the skin. Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties, and the acid can improve circulation to the area. ##MN_RESP##
  4. Use it in a bath to soothe your skin. Add eight ounces of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath and soak for 15 minutes. The vinegar will balance your skin’s pH levels.
  5. Use it to soothe razor burn. Soaking a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and smoothing it over affected areas can help soften skin and reduce inflammation.
  6. Use it to neutralize stinky feet. One cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with four cups of water makes a great foot bath. Soak for 15 minutes and dry. Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that can help get rid of odor and fight fungi like athlete’s foot.

Vinegar may be a smellier home remedy than you’re used to, but it’s highly effective, and it’s cheaper than loading up on hair and skin products! Give it a try!

Do you know any home remedies involving vinegar? Let us know!