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What You Should Eat If You Want Flat Abs

What You Should Eat If You Want Flat Abs

If you do more crunches than you can count but still have ab flab, here’s a secret: flat stomachs are made in the kitchen. Working out is important, but if you change your diet even a little bit, you’ll be on your way to a smoother tummy in a shorter amount of time.


If you do more crunches than you can count but still have ab flab, here’s a secret: flat stomachs are made in the kitchen. Working out is important, but if you change your diet even a little bit, you’ll be on your way to a smoother tummy in a shorter amount of time.

1. Berries

Berries include the usual suspects plus a few less common varieties such as raspberries, strawberries, boysenberries, blueberries and gooseberries. These little fruits are high in antioxidants and fiber. Getting 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily helps you absorb fewer calories from other foods.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a good low calorie food that also has carotenoids that help prevent cancer. It is also a good source of calcium. You can include other leafy greens like kale or broccoli to add some more fiber to your diet.

3. Soybeans

If you want an excellent source of protein, antioxidants and fiber, soy products are the ways to go. They can be great meal substitutions and come in many versatile forms.

4. Fish

Tuna, salmon and mackerel are great examples of fatty fishes that are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats actually make your metabolism more efficient.

5. Yogurt

The probiotic bacteria found in most calcium-rich yogurts can aid in digestive regulation, which reduces the likelihood of gas, constipation and bloating. This helps you keep your midsection flat.

6. Quinoa

Quinoa is a nutty whole grain with high ratios of fiber and protein. Instead of rice or noodles, use quinoa as a healthier substitute.

7. Eggs

Dietitians love eggs because they have a solid balance of amino acids, which helps your body make everything from essential brain chemicals to muscle building fibers.

8. Vegetable Broths and Soups

Instead of processed snack foods, try vegetable broths and soups twice a day as a low calorie snack that won’t ruin your diet plan.

9. Almonds

Almonds are a fantastic all around source of nutrition. They are full of fiber, vitamin E, protein and antioxidants. Additionally, they provide magnesium which helps your body regulate blood sugar, produce energy and maintain muscle.

10. Apples

An apple (or three) a day will keep the pounds at bay. Fruits are a great healthy snack, but apples stand out because of their high fiber and water content. They will help you digest other foods and feel full between meals.

Keep these foods in mind next time you go shopping. Leave the packaged snacks on the shelf and substitute them with some of these options. Remember, nutrition is just as important as the gym.

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