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This Teenage Girl

This Teenage Girl's Chronic Neck Pain Could Be The Next Epidemic

When we think of chronic pain, the last thing we think of is young teenagers. But this new ailment has no age group. Watch more to see how the newest health epidemic could affect any of us.


As we develop more technology, we develop new ailments. The newest ailment has a common culprit, and it doesn't discriminate by age or gender.

It's called “text-neck,” and it's caused by, you guessed it, smartphone use.

Text-neck is so named because it results from the frequent hunched-back and lowered-neck posture assumed when using a smartphone. Some symptoms of text-neck include chronic headaches, back, shoulder, and neck pain, and increased spine curvature. Dr. Steven Shoshany, a doctor interviewed for SpineHealth.com, said that text-neck may even lead to early onset arthritis and decreased lung capacity.

The worst thing about text-neck may be the age of the patients. While it’s common to suffer spinal problems and back pain in adulthood, text-neck is becoming more and more prevalent in all ages, especially in teenagers. Watch below to see one of text-neck’s youngest victims. Slightly graphic content is contained in this video.

Do you suffer chronic pain caused by your smartphone? What do you think of this teenage sufferer?

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