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This Fitness Motivator Has Some Things To Say To Fat People...What He Says Will SHOCK You!

This Fitness Motivator Has Some Things To Say To Fat People...What He Says Will SHOCK You!

Is this a call to action or an unnecessary smackdown? Watch this video and judge for yourself!


This video from self-proclaimed “fitness motivator” John Burk is going viral on Facebook, and for good reason.

The rant, which clocks in at about six minutes, does have a lot of good things to say, but people are taking an issue with how he says it. And honestly, it’s hard to blame them. He begins the video saying things like:

“Yes, I will attack society’s bullsh*t view of ‘we should accept everybody for who they are.’ They’re absolutely right, we should. But when I sit there and I look at someone who’s overweight? No, I find that utterly repulsive and disgusting. Why? Because it shows a lack of self-discipline.”

Ouch. Not a good start, Mr. Burk. This is a huge generalization of an insult to be making about a lot of the people who’s attention you’re trying to get. Any overweight people who have been looking to make a positive change just decided that there’s no reason to listen to this buff bonehead.

It’s a shame, really. Because a lot of the advice, that doesn’t come until the end of the video, is actually pretty good. It’s standard advice on how to start losing weight, but it’s good, attainable advice. He says:

“Hey, if you want to start out, cut your sugar drinks. Cut out your sugar. Slowly but surely implement one healthy meal a day. The next week or two weeks later, two healthy meals a day. Three healthy meals a day. Go walk for ten minutes, jog for ten minutes, get a gym membership, do something! Get your kids off the f***ing couch, first and foremost!”

It is good advice, and maybe for some, it’s what they need to hear. But if the someone who needs to hear it is being called repulsive before hearing good advice, are they even going to want to listen?

See the video here. Warning: contains a LOT of NSFW language.

What do you think of this fitness motivator? Is he saying what needs to be said, or is he just being mean?

Photo Copyright © 2015 ChukkyGuy/YouTube