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He Boils A Bottle Of Coke. What Happens Next? NOT What I Expected!

He Boils A Bottle Of Coke. What Happens Next? NOT What I Expected!

Do you ever wonder what's really in your bottle of Coke? Or do you avoid thinking about it as much as possible? This blogger found out, and you'll want to see what he found!


Have you ever wondered what’s really in Coke? I mean sure, you know that there’s sugar and water and carbonation, but do you ever really think about how much?

This YouTuber boiled a bottle of Coke and found out just how much sugar is in that Coke that you’re drinking. When you boil the liquid away, you realize that there wasn’t a lot of water in it to begin with.

It’s easy to look at the boiling sugar and think that something unnatural is happening to it, but that’s just what all that sugar does when the water is boiled out of it.

If you needed a reminder, one bottle of Coke contains 65 grams of carbs. ALL of those carbs are from sugar. Every single one. The only other thing that’s really in it is sodium.

So next time you reach for a Coke, think of this video. The memory of all that sugar may be enough to keep you away.


What do you think of this Coke-boiling experiment?

Photo Copyright © 2014 CrazyRussianHacker/YouTube