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The Key To A Healthy Lifestyle Is THIS. Here

The Key To A Healthy Lifestyle Is THIS. Here's How To Do It.

Stuck in a rut and feeling low? Having trouble motivating yourself? Get back on that horse with these tips!


If you’re trying to get in shape, it’s easy to fall prey to high expectations.  We hold ourselves to high standards, higher than we’d hold for anyone else, so we disappoint ourselves without even realizing it. If you’re struggling with your self-esteem on your way to be the healthiest you can be, there are still ways that you can treat your body right, and slowly learn to love it at any time, at any size. If you love your body unconditionally, you’ll want to treat it right, and a healthy lifestyle will be a no-brainer.

Here are some ways you can start being nicer to yourself.

  1. Your body is your best friend. Think about how you feel about your best friend. He or she is smart, beautiful, talented, and a good listener with a great sense of style, and you probably tell him or her one or more of these things every day. If you know these things about your best friend, why don’t you think they’re true of yourself? Next time you’re in front of a mirror, no matter what time of day it is or how badly you feel, look yourself in the eye and say something nice about yourself. If you can't think of anything, just say "I look great today." Do this every day. You’ll feel ridiculous, but over time, you’ll start to believe it.
  1. Banish “I should” from your vocabulary. I should be ten pounds lighter by now. I should be running six miles, not four. I should be able to control my cravings. When you use “I should’s,” you’re punishing yourself for not living up to an imaginary, perfect version of yourself, and at the same time you’re limiting yourself. You’re a work in progress, there’s always room for improvement. Instead of I should, try “soon, I will.” Soon, I will be at my target weight. Soon, I will only need one soda per week. Soon, I will run a six minute mile. If you have a realistic plan and a positive attitude, there’s nothing you can do.
  1. Listen to what your body needs. There’s a tendency in dieting and fad exercise to want to tamp down your hunger, push through a painful workout, and work yourself past your breaking point. There’s no heroism in hearing your stomach grumble in the morning and refusing to give it a healthy breakfast, or in doing more squats when your back is begging you for rest. If you’re hungry, feed yourself something nutritious. If you’re in pain, take a rest day. Chances are, your body knows what’s best for you.

What do you do to feel good about yourself?

Photo Copyright © 2014 Oscar Rethwill/Flickr