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The 4-Minute Workout For Your 4th of July Weekend

The 4-Minute Workout For Your 4th of July Weekend

Need to burn off some fat and calories before that barbecue? This workout is the perfect solution!


Independence Day is upon us, and that means time for barbecues, burgers, and beers, all in the name of our great nation. If you’re going to indulge this weekend, get your metabolism moving with this 4-minute HIIT workout!

Lunden of Runtastic Fitness is ready for 4th of July weekend too, and put together a HIIT workout (or, as she calls it, a High Intensity Independence Day workout) that’s simple and effective if your body needs that extra kick to burn off those extra calories. This video includes a squat variation and a special, 4th of July-themed burpee!

With just two exercises and four intervals, this workout will tire you out and leave you ready to celebrate America’s birthday in style.

What are your plans for Independence Day weekend?

Photo Copyright © 2015 Runtastic Fitness/YouTube