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The Best Time Of Day For Your Workout Is...

The Best Time Of Day For Your Workout Is...

Is it best to sweat it at 5 AM or wait until after work? Find out when you can get your best workout.


You hear it from all angles. The best morning workouts are morning workouts! The best workouts happen right after lunch! You can get the most out of a midnight workout!

So what’s really the best time to workout? The answer is more simple than you think.

At the end of the day, there is no universal time of day that will be the best for everyone. There’s only the best time of day for YOU. It’s all based around when you feel the most awake, and when you can consistently fit in the time. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, there are always benefits to exercise.

Morning workouts are great for people who are already early birds, or those who have much more time in the morning than they do in the afternoon. If you work out in the morning may make you feel more awake for the rest of the day, since you start the day off by getting your body and brain moving. Be sure that you’re drinking about sixteen ounces of water over the course of your workout, and spend some extra time warming yourself up. You’re asking your body to work out without the fuel that it would have in the middle or at the end of the day, so it deserves to be treated a little gentler. If you have the most time to work out in the mornings, but you feel dizzy or exhausted when you try to do it, eat a small breakfast before you jump right in.

Evening exercise is great for those of us who feel too tense or tired to work out in the mornings. If you work out later in the day, your body temperature and muscles are warmer, which can make your workout feel a little less grueling than trying to warm up from nothing. You’ve also had at least one meal by the time you work out, which provides more energy than running on water or a small snack. An evening workout can also help relieve some of the stress and tension from your day, and let you go to sleep with peace of mind as well as body.

In the end, your workout should take place whenever is best for you. As long as you’re consistent with your schedule, it doesn’t matter what time of day it is. You’re exercising, and that’s what matters.

When do you work out?

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