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Get Healthy, Glowing Summer Skin With THESE Tips

Get Healthy, Glowing Summer Skin With THESE Tips

Do you know what you need to do to keep your skin looking and feeling great this summer? Read more to get the best skincare tips.


Are you taking good care of your skin this summer? Chances are, not as much as you could be. Even if you’re not getting sunburned, you’re getting skin damage without even realizing it. If you want the best for your skin (and you should!), here are some questions you should be asking yourself.

Do I have the right sunscreen? The best sunscreen is a broad-spectrum, SPF 30 sunscreen, which you should be applying to all exposed areas if you’re out in the sun for any longer than 15 minutes. To keep your skin as safe as possible, reapply every two hours.

Is my skin drying out? Being out in the sun, swimming, or hot tubbing can all dry out your skin and leave it feeling raw. Use a light moisturizer on dry areas if your skin is feeling dry, and make sure to hydrate so your skin can provide its own moisture!

How am I dealing with bug bites? If bug spray just doesn’t prevent you from being bitten, be sure to treat your bites right. Wash your bites with soap and water if you’ve been bitten. Topical creams like Neosporin will usually take care of the itch, or you can use an ice pack to numb the skin. Above all, no matter how tempting it is, DO NOT SCRATCH.

How often am I shaving? Summer temperatures lead to tank tops, shorts, and sundresses, which lead to exposed skin, which leads to shaving way more often. Make sure you’re bathing before you shave, using a hydrating shaving cream, and replacing blades when they get dull.

Am I breaking out? Chances are, you’re sweating much more than usual in the summer heat, which can mix with your skin’s natural oils and clog your pores. And if you’re taking care of your skin with sunscreen, moisturizer, and topical creams, these may be clogging your pores, too. Look for non-comedogenic products when possible, as there are less likely to block your pores. Be sure to wash your face with gentle soap and warm water, and avoid touching your face throughout the day.

If you ask yourself these questions, you're sure to keep yourself conscious of your skin health. It's more important than ever during the summer to take care of your skin, so make sure to treat yourself right!

How do you take care of your skin during the summer?