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4 Serious Sleep Mistakes You Should NEVER Make After 9 P.M.

4 Serious Sleep Mistakes You Should NEVER Make After 9 P.M.

We all know getting a good night's sleep is important, but many of us are still making some serious late-night mistakes. Read on to learn more about the mistakes you should never make after 9 p.m.!


Sleep is a priority that many of us simply don’t make enough time for anymore—and it really shows.

Even though we all know it’s important to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every single night, many of us are trying to skate by on 6 hours or less.

Sure, we all have a rough night every now and then, but when one bad night’s sleep turns into five, then it’s important to take action early on—before it becomes a pattern.

Unless you want to wake up feeling like a zombie every morning, you have to make sure you set up a good bedtime routine.

That means turning off the TV, putting down the smart phone, and getting in bed at a reasonable hour.

But if you’re still not getting enough rest, even after making your room totally sleep-friendly, then the problem could be something else you’re doing.

Here are a few big sleep mistakes you should never, ever make after 9 p.m., according to The Huffington Post:

  1. Taking a multi-vitamin: Yes, multi-vitamins are good for you, but you might feel so good after that huge dose of vitamin B that you won’t be able to sleep! In general, you should really steer clear of taking anything before bed, especially if you’re already a light sleeper to begin with.
  2. Eating a big dinner: While eating a huge dinner right before bed sounds like the perfect way to send yourself into a food coma, don’t expect to stay asleep for very long. Once your body starts trying to digest all that food, you’re sure to wake up feeling uncomfortable and unnaturally awake. Though there really isn’t anything wrong with eating a big dinner, you should aim for consistency in how much you eat and the times you generally eat each night. ##MN_RESP##
  3. You’re fighting with your SO: It may sound like a cliché, but going to bed angry is never a good idea—especially if you’re trying to sleep right away! If you tend to overthink, even a small fight with your significant other can leave you awake and anxious, overanalyzing every little detail of your argument all night.
  4. You’re starting a good book: While many people swear that turning off the TV and reading before bed is the best way to get a good night’s sleep, that’s not necessarily true. Just like binge-watching a new show on Netflix, an exciting book will keep you up turning page after page all night! If you want to read before bed, stick to something light, like a magazine or a boring article to help you doze off.

Are you guilty of doing any of these? Let us know in the comments!

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