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3 Things That Happen To You IMMEDIATELY When You Start Living Healthy

3 Things That Happen To You IMMEDIATELY When You Start Living Healthy

It can be discouraging to not see immediate results when you're trying to lose weight. But here are some things that are definitely happening to you, whether you know it or not.


It’s easy to get discouraged when you change over to a healthy lifestyle. It can often take a while to see results, and in the meantime it can be hard to keep your eyes on the prize while you’re missing your French fries. But trust me, you’re definitely doing the right thing. If you need some encouragement, here are some things that happen to you immediately when you change your lifestyle.

  1. You control your blood sugar. Blood sugar spikes caused by high-carb, high-glycemic index foods are what lead to increased risk of diabetes, energy spikes and crashes, and impaired memory and concentration. So this regulation of blood sugar by eating low-GI foods and a relatively low-carb diet can
    • Reduce your risk of disease
    • Even out your energy levels
    • Improve your concentration

All on a day-to-day basis! So if you’re not seeing the weight loss results you’re looking for, just think of how much your body is thanking you. ##MN_RESP##

  1. You can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Exercise, no matter how much or how little you start off with, helps lower you heart rate and blood pressure immediately. This puts you at lower risk for cardiovascular disease and improves your heart health right away too—even if you’re feeling out of breath and tired.
  2. Your mood improves. Even if you’re feeling discouraged, the right foods combined with exercise give you endorphins immediately—the same kinds that you get from junk food, but for longer—and can reduce your stress levels and even out your energy levels.

So even if eating right and exercising isn’t giving you the immediate weight loss benefits that you want, or if you’re hitting a weight loss plateau, rest easy knowing that your new lifestyle is doing your body nothing but good.

What do you love about living a healthy lifestyle?