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WOW! This Woman

WOW! This Woman's Bikini Bod Won A Figure Competition, And Her Story Is Inspiring!

It's easy to feel hopeless in the quest for weight loss, or to feel like you're not enough. This woman's story is a reminder that with self-love and motivation, anyone can do amazing things.


Usually when you think of figure competitions, you think of women with perfect bodies, parading around in bikinis. But at the World Beauty Fitness and Fashion (WBFF) show, in the transformation makeover division, you can find women like Conner Rensch.

Conner Rensch has lost 130 pounds since 2008. She already had the nation’s attention when she shared her incredible weight loss story with People Magazine. But last weekend, she wore a bikini for the first time EVER, and entered the transformation makeover division at the WBFF’s figure competition. And guess what? She won!

Her body, she admits, isn’t the typical body you’d see at a figure competition. She has stretch marks and scars as a result of her weight loss. But these scars, she says, are a part of her journey.

What did Conner have to say about her win? Her attitude about her transformation is truly uplifting and inspirational. What’s most important, she says, is to love the body you’re in.

“Winning was just a bonus to my overall goal,” Conner wrote on livewellnebraska.com. “I want to show people that every body is beautiful, and there is no right or wrong body. I want to continue to spread my message of self-love, because I know it can be life-changing.”

Rensch credits her weight loss not to any diet or fad exercise, but a combination of clean eating, proper exercise, and attitude. She dedicates her time to speaking to young women in junior high and high school about the importance of self-love.

Conner will go on to the WBFF Worlds in Las Vegas, where she will compete with women with similar weight loss backgrounds from around the world.

What do you think of Conner's story? Did this inspire you to love yourself?