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As If We Needed ANOTHER Reason To Swear Off Sugar! Scientists Are Now Saying...

As If We Needed ANOTHER Reason To Swear Off Sugar! Scientists Are Now Saying...

If you thought sugar was bad before, scientists have discovered all new reasons to cut back on sugar! Read more to learn about how sugar can affect you in ways you didn't even expect.


Throw out your donuts and cookies! We already know that a diet high in fat and sugar is bad for our waistline, but new research shows that it can take a toll on our brain function, too.

The Huffington Post talked to scientists at Oregon State University, who have discovered that too much sugar and fat can affect our memory and cognitive flexibility, which is described as “a measurement of the brain’s ability to switch between thinking about one concept to another, and to adapt to changes in the environment.”

Scientists involved in the study stated that while it’s been suspected that sugar and fat can affect mental health, this suggests that it’s not just the sugar and fat, but also the way it interacts with bacteria in our stomach. The sugar and fat cause changes in our gut bacteria, then releases chemicals to transmitters in our brains.

Cognitive flexibility can include the ability to adapt to new situations or the ability to learn new things. Dr. Magnusson, in a statement to the Huffington post, likened it to the ability to find a way home if your usual route is closed off.

Scientists found it important to stress that artificial sweeteners are NOT the answer to our sweet-tooth dilemma. Neurologist Dr. Perlmutter told The Huffington Post: “Your risk of diabetes is twice as great if you’re consuming diet drinks, which is far greater than if you’re drinking sugar-sweetened beverages.” Yikes!

What does this mean for us? Well, exactly what we would expect it to. The study concluded that the best diet for brain health has much of the same aspects as a diet for good physical health: low in sugar and trans fats, but high in good fats and fiber. Colorful, high fiber vegetables are the best option here, so stock up on your artichokes, avocados and broccoli! That’s not such a bad trade-off, if you ask me.

What are some of the ways that you keep sugar out of your diet?

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