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Watch A Group Of First Graders Fail To Recognize A Single Vegetable

Watch A Group Of First Graders Fail To Recognize A Single Vegetable

Healthy eating is a habit that can be developed from childhood, but it seems like that won't happen any time soon. Watch this video and see just how dire the situation is.


Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver recently visited Huntington, West Virginia, where he performed a test with discouraging results. With a spread of delicious fresh fruits and vegetables in front of him, he asked a class of elementary school children to identify their names.

Children were asked to identify tomatoes, cauliflower, eggplants, and other healthy foods, and not one child in the class could identify them correctly. One of the kids only recognized a tomato after being told that it’s the main ingredient in ketchup.

There has been a lot of pushback for healthier lunches at public schools in the past few years, but obviously it's not enough. What does this mean for the health of kids in areas like Huntington, where almost half of the adult population is obese? How can we expect children to eat healthy if they’re not being educated about proper nutrition at a young age by their schools or their parents? Will they be able to make healthy decisions for themselves in the future?

The video has to be seen to be be believed. Watch the video and join the discussion below!

How do you think we could improve nutrition education for children?