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The Real Reason You

The Real Reason You're Grumpy...And The Foods That Will Fix It!

Have you ever been in a bad mood that you simply can't explain? Scientists and dietitians may have found the reason. Read more to learn why you're in a bad mood, and how you can fix it.


We hear all the time that a healthy lifestyle will lead to a healthy attitude. But sometimes you've eaten a healthy breakfast, had a great workout, and you still can't shake that bad mood. Luckily, scientists and dieticians have found a possible reason for your unexplainable grumpiness, and they may have found how to fix it.

Recent studies show that bacteria in your gut could be the reason you're feeling blue. Some stomach bacteria is linked to anxiety, pain, and mood regulation. The good news? Some foods have the good bacteria that could turn that mood around.

Dietitian Rebecca Scritchfield, in an article for the Huffington Post, recommends eating “fermented foods” in order to combat these grumpy gut bacteria. They’re foods that contain healthy bacteria, which they acquire through natural fermentation. These healthy bacteria will battle those blues and leave you feeling ready for the day.

Some fermented foods include:
• Yogurt (especially Greek yogurt)
• Soy sauce
• Tempeh
• Kimchi
• Kefir

If you’re struggling to find foods that have the healthy bacteria you need, take a look at the labels. If the label claims that the food contains “live and active cultures,” you’re looking at a fermented food.

There are also foods that contain “prebiotic fibers,” which Scritchfield defines as fibers that we can’t digest, but that feed the healthy bacteria in our gut. These include foods like artichokes, garlic, berries, and bananas. Along with a diet rich in proteins from fruit, veggies, and other greens and legumes, you can satisfy those healthy gut bacteria and start feeling good again.

What are some foods you eat to improve your mood?