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5 Unexpected Benefits To Beating The Battle With Sugar

5 Unexpected Benefits To Beating The Battle With Sugar

Sugar tastes good, and that's basically all it has going for it, Here are some ways you could be taking care of your body by ridding it of sugary foods.


Cutting back on sugar is something that everyone wants to do, in theory. The only argument for eating sugar is that it tastes good, and often, that’s the argument that often wins. But you may not realize just how much sugar is affecting your life. If you need some fresh inspiration to ditch that donut, here are some ways you could feel better with less sugar in your life.

  1. You’ll lose weight. You’d be surprised at just how much all that hidden sugar is adding to your daily calories. Even cutting out some of your sugar will see you dropping some of the weight you didn’t realize you had put on.
  2. Your skin will thank you. If you’re prone to breakouts, cutting back on sugar may just be the thing that can beat them. Foods with a high glycemic index can mess with your hormones and cause you to break out. Sugar also can also damage the collagen and elastin in your skin, which can make your skin look duller and older. Cutting your sugar slows the aging of your skin that’s caused by sugar.
  3. You’ll feel better, physically and emotionally. Sugar intake is often linked to depression and sluggishness, be it the low after your sugar high or just the desire for more that comes right after you eat some. In cutting back on sugar, you’re essentially kicking an addiction. It may be hard to start out, but once you kick the sugar addiction, you’ll be surprised at the energy you can get without it, and how good you can feel without constant sugar intake. Those who cut back on sugar often report higher levels of energy, and feel more inspired to live active lifestyles.
  4. You’ll feel sharper. Recent studies have discovered a link between sugar and reduced cognitive function. Sugar also inhibits the production of BDNF, the chemical needed to form new memories. So by cutting out sugar, you may also be saving yourself from dementia and memory loss as you get older. ##MN_RESP##
  5. You’ll be at a lower risk for basically everything. A diet with reduced sugar are shown to have lower cholesterol, lower risk of heart attack and heart disease, lower risk of diabetes, lower blood pressure...and that’s just a start.

Sugar may be delicious, but it’s about time that we all took a serious look at our diets. Are we doing enough to reduce our sugar intake? If you haven’t taken steps towards sugar reduction, start today. It’s never too late to start feeling better.

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