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Make Sure To Time These 5 Things Around Your Period Every Month

Make Sure To Time These 5 Things Around Your Period Every Month

Your period affects everything, from the way your pants fit to your ever-changing mood swings, so it's important to keep track of your cycle. Read on to see what you should start planning around your period!


As a woman, you already know how much your period affects your body—both physically and emotionally.

Whether you can’t zip up your pants for a week or you feel like crying every 5 minutes, we all experience different period symptoms.

Most doctors agree that hormonal ebbs and flows through your menstrual cycle make some weeks perfect (or terrible) for certain activities.

That’s why it’s so important to keep track of your period, including the week before when you start feeling the symptoms of PMS.

Because your hormones change so often throughout the month, here are the activities you should match to your cycle (as long as you’re not on birth control, which stabilizes hormones):

Quit Smoking

Two weeks before your period: According to an eye-opening new study published in Psychiatry Journal, nicotine cravings are far more bearable for most women about two weeks before starting their period. If you’ve been contemplating quitting, now is the best time!

Get A Breast Exam

The week after your period: The tenderness you feel right before you start your period will finally start to subside around this time. With estrogen rising and progesterone low after your period stops, doctors will have an easier time spotting real masses and lumps.

Schedule A Job Interview

The week before you ovulate: Thanks to a huge rush of estrogen, this is the time of the month that ladies tend to feel most confident and alert. Your verbal communication skills will be super sharp, so this is the best time to schedule a job interview or an important meeting.

Have Sex

A few days before you ovulate: Not only is your testosterone peaking, but you’re still riding that influx of estrogen right before you ovulate. This powerful combination will help you feel extra sexy when your sex drive is at its highest.

Try Meditation

The week after you ovulate: Because your progesterone levels are already high right now, your body is releasing extra serotonin to help you feel calm and centered. Try meditating to take advantage of this incredible boost of happiness and relaxation.

What do you try to plan around your period? Let us know in the comments!

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