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Health Alert: Your Man

Health Alert: Your Man's Cool Beard Probably Has Poop In It

A new study has found that the bacteria hiding inside beards is the same found in human poop. Keep reading for more details!


Thanks to the hipster revolution, a lot of women love a man with a nice shaggy beard—generally paired with a sleek mun (man-bun).

If you’ve always been attracted to bearded men or—worse—your current man is sporting one, then listen up: there is poop inside that beard.

Microbiologist John Golobic, of Quest Diagnostics, swabbed a number of men’s beards in New Mexico to find out what types of bacteria are hiding inside facial hair.

He was surprised to learn that some of the bacteria “are the kind of things that you find in feces.”

“I’m usually not surprised, and I was surprised by this,” he said. “There would be a degree of uncleanliness that would be somewhat disturbing.”

Fortunately, not all of the bacteria found living in the tested beards were bad, but they hold so much that the microbiologists in the study compared them to what you would find inside a toilet.

Though this is probably the most disgusting thing you’ve ever heard, you can at least take comfort in knowing that the poop-like bacteria inside your man’s beard will not make you sick.

So, how can your man keep the beard but lose the poop? Well, Golobic says, it might be time to adopt a regular beauty routine.

Scrubbing, washing, and exfoliating the beard can help get rid of the nasty bacteria. It would also help to avoid touching, twirling, and playing with the beard.

Here’s one horrifying thought to leave you with: if a city was to find the same kind of bacteria samples in their water as the ones found in beards, they would be forced to shut down the water supply.

Don’t forget to wash your hands—and maybe keep some hand sanitizer by your side, just in case!

Are you surprised by this study's findings? Tell us in the comments!

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