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It's More Than Just Willpower: 5 Things That Cause Overeating

Though overeating can feel like nothing more than a lack of willpower, there are plenty of reasons why you might be feeling extra hungry today. Keep reading to see what could be behind your overactive appetite!


Do you ever feel like you could just eat all day and never get full? We all have off-days where our appetite feels like it’s randomly kicked into overdrive.

No matter what you’ve been craving, overeating is never a good sign—but what can you do?

Sometimes, extreme hunger is more than just a lack of willpower on your part. Plenty of research shows that the problem can stem from biological, psychological, and even environmental reasons.

Before you start blaming yourself for you overactive appetite, here are 5 major causes that could be behind your uncontrollable hunger:

  1. Sleep Deprivation: How many hours of sleep did you get last night? If the answer is less than six, then your body is probably trying to fuel up on extra food today. Not getting enough sleep disrupts the hormones that regulate your appetite, which is why you often feel so hungry after a poor night’s sleep. What’s worse is that most people tend to crave junk food when they’re tired, so you’re probably not even filling your body with nutrient-rich foods. To make sure your hormones don’t go haywire tomorrow, aim to get about 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.
  2. Cold Weather: When it’s cold and foggy outside, your body tends to crave comfort foods, like lasagna, macaroni and cheese, and hearty stews. During the winter months, especially, most people turn toward foods that are high in fats and carbs—but even a cold day this summer could easily ruin your diet. If you’re feeling extra hungry for carbs and fatty foods, try to grab healthier options—like whole grains, beans, fruits, veggies, and lean protein—to satisfy those pesky cravings.
  3. Emotions: Each person has a different emotional relationship with food. Some crave sweets when they’re sad, carbs when they’re angry, or salty snacks when they’re stressed—others lose their appetite completely. Before you cut any of these foods out, it’s important to figure out why you’re craving them when you feel a certain way. Emotional eating may feel good for a moment, but it’s almost always followed by regret and self-loathing. The best way to stop yourself from emotional eating is to channel those feelings into something productive—like exercise, writing, reading, painting, etc.  ##MN_RESP##
  4. Dehydration: If you’re someone who gets too busy to remember to eat, drink, or sleep, then you’re probably overeating when you’re dehydrated. It’s very easy to get thirst confused with hunger, but it could be harmful to your health. The best way to avoid overeating when you’re dehydrated is by always making it a point to chug a full glass of water before every meal. After you drink a glass, wait about 20 minutes before eating. Even if you are still hungry, you’ll at least be able to get some of those out-of-control cravings out of your mind.
  5. Skipping a Workout: For fitness fanatics, skipping more than a workout or two can really stimulate your appetite. Although most people think exercise makes you hungrier, research shows that moderate-intensity exercise actually increases the hormone that suppresses appetite and decreases the hormone that triggers hunger. So, when you skip a workout, your body starts feeling confused and feels hungrier than usual.

What tricks do you have to stop yourself from overeating? Tell us in the comments!

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