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How To Choose The Best Exercise For Your Current Mood

How To Choose The Best Exercise For Your Current Mood

When you want to skip a workout, the urge to call it a day usually has a lot more to do with your mood than your body. Keep reading to see how you can match each workout to your current mood!


It’s finally the end of the day and, suddenly, you feel the overwhelming urge to skip your workout.

We’ve all been there, but more often than not, the desire to just call it a day has a lot more to do with your mind than your body.

While it’s normal—even advised—to skip a sweat session when you’re feeling sore, sluggish, or extra tired, that’s not usually the reason why you just want to go home.

Whether you’ve had a stressful day at work or a terrible fight with your boyfriend, skipping your workout probably won’t make you feel any better.

Exercise has so many health benefits that you’ll almost never regret hitting the gym once you’re done with your workout.

Instead of skipping altogether, you’ll probably feel much better if you simply match your workout to your current mood:

  1. Stressed: While a hardcore workout can help relieve your body of all the stress and anxiety you’re feeling today, it’s hard to force yourself to move when you just want to relax. But when you really think about it, your mind probably won’t be at ease at home. It will, however, if you try to channel those anxious thoughts into something active and relaxing—like yoga. This mindful exercise helps the body let go of stress and unwind, so you can feel centered and peaceful when you’re finished.
  2. Angry: Some high-intensity cardio is the best medicine when it comes to blowing off some steam! So, why not blast away that anger—and some calories—by kickboxing? You’ll be drenched in sweat and filled with a huge boost of endorphins after just one session, so you’re bound to feel incredible afterward.
  3. Sad: Sometimes, it’s hard to imagine doing much of anything when you’re feeling down in the dumps. Most people just want something to distract them from their own thoughts when they’re sad or depressed. That’s why many experts recommend swimming as the perfect low-impact exercise to deal with symptoms of depression. Not only does the blue water feel soothing and refreshing, but the rhythm of each stroke can help you feel more balanced and in control of your body.
  4. Happy: It’s hard to believe, but plenty of people don’t feel the need to exercise when they’re happy or excited. But, this is really the best time to harness all that positive energy into a great workout! A good run is great when you’re feeling happy, because the little boost of positive vibes will put some extra pep in your step to help you make it through that extra mile.

What makes you feel better when you're sad, angry, stressed, etc.? Tell us in the comments!

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