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How Tomato Juice Can Become Your Skin

How Tomato Juice Can Become Your Skin's New Best Friend

If you love tossing a few tomatoes into your salad, you might want to start saving extras for your nightly skin regime. Read on to see how you can use tomatoes to treat annoying skin problems!


Most people have very mixed feelings about tomatoes. While some love the juicy flavor, others can’t handle them in anything besides a pasta sauce.

If you tend to fall into the latter category, you might want to reconsider! Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, tomatoes can be just as good for your skin as they are for your body.

Tomato juice is high in one particular antioxidant called lycopene, which happens to protect cells from radical damage and premature aging.

You can use tomato juice to help treat a number of pesky skin problems—from acne to wrinkles!

Here are just a few incredible ways to add tomatoes to your skin regime:

Reduce Oiliness

Both tomato juice and pulp has been shown to help regulate over-activity of the sebaceous glands, which produce the oils on your face.

What You Should Do:

All you have to do is cut one tomato in half and gently rub the pulpy side around your face—pay special attention to your t-zone! Let the juice soak into your face for about 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. You’ll start seeing clear results in about two days.

Lighten Skin Tone

Evening your skin tone can become a costly process. Those drugstore creams are extremely expensive, and most of them don’t even work! Throw out all those overpriced creams and gels, and use tomato juice instead. The vitamin C in tomato juice can effectively lighten your skin without using harsh chemicals that could irritate your face.

What You Should Do:

Squeeze some fresh tomato juice on your skin every day for 15 to 20 minutes. Once you wash off the juice with tepid water, don’t forget to moisturize!

Soothe Irritated Skin

Because tomato juice is mildly acidic, it has the natural ability to restore the skin’s pH after the use of harsh cosmetics. Just a little tomato juice works wonders on treating dry, red, flaky, puffy, irritated skin.

What You Should Do:

Create a soothing mask by mixing tomato juice with about two tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt. Apply all over your face, leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, and gently rinse with tepid water.

Tightens Pores

Because tomato juice works so well at reducing oiliness and soothing irritated skin, it works wonders on a slew of other annoying skin problems—like acne, blackheads, and prominent pores. The juice will immediately shrink your pores, so your skin looks flawless every day.

What You Should Do:

Apply tomato juice on your face before going to bed and wash it off in the morning. This will give the juice ample time to work its magic overnight.

Have you tried using tomato juice to treat skin problems? Let us know in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2011 Daniella Segura/Flickr