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5 Surprising Foods That Will Ruin Any Workout

5 Surprising Foods That Will Ruin Any Workout

What you eat before hitting the gym can make or break any great workout. To make sure you don't ruin your next workout, always avoid these 5 foods before exercising!


You can’t have a great workout on a completely empty stomach, but that doesn’t mean you should eat whatever you want before hitting the gym.

Obviously, you already know not to eat a giant plate of garlic fries or a carton of ice cream before taking off for a three-mile run, but you might be surprised to learn what else can ruin your workout.

While you want enough fuel to help you power through your next sweat session, the thought of mind-numbing stomach pain, fatigue, and muscle cramping almost makes you second-guess that pre-workout snack.

Because you really can’t avoid digestion once it gets moving, make sure you never eat one of these 5 snacks before exercising:

  1. Crudite: High-fiber fruits, veggies, and chia seeds are usually the staples behind any healthy diet. That said, these dense, filling foods won’t do your body any good if you load up on them before an intense workout. Since both fiber and cardio gets the digestive system moving, you can pretty much expect that combination to send you straight to the bathroom during your workout.
  2. Yogurt: Even if you regularly eat dairy products without a problem, the high protein content in yogurt means your body takes longer to fully digest it. So, unless you’re ready for some major cramping and indigestion, you would be wise to steer clear of yogurt for about two or three hours before hitting the gym.
  3. Avocado: Would you go on a long run after demolishing a cheeseburger? Probably not. The high fat content in the meat makes it tough for your body to properly digest it. Unfortunately, this is also true for good fats—like avocados, nuts, and olive oil. It’s not that eating an avocado is bad for you, but the high fat content will likely cause you to cramp up once you start moving.
  4. Protein Bars: You wouldn’t eat a candy bar before a workout, so you probably shouldn’t snack on a protein bar either. Chances are, you’ve heard that most protein bars are just glorified candy bars—and that’s true! Not only are these snacks usually extremely high in sugar, but they’re also packed with too much protein for your body to digest properly. ##MN_RESP##
  5. Green Juices: If you had a green juice for lunch, don’t expect those healthy nutrients to provide you with enough energy for your late afternoon gym session. You won’t consume enough carbs to get you through any kind of vigorous exercise. However, if you drink one about an hour or so before hitting the gym, it’s a great idea, since the juice doesn’t take long to digest. The only problem is that the high fiber content from the veggies might end up giving you an upset stomach.

Which of these foods surprised your the most? Let us know in the comments!

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