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7 Tips To Help You De-Stress For A Better Night

7 Tips To Help You De-Stress For A Better Night's Sleep (Without Netflix!)

Thanks to Netflix and Instagram, most of us spend too much time staring at screens at night, instead of sleeping. To fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, here are some incredible electronic-free activities to try before bed!


After a long day at work, most of us just want to jump in bed, turn on Netflix, and relax. Unfortunately, your body isn’t quite as thrilled about your mind’s unwinding method.

Catching up with your favorite show on Hulu, checking up on your friends on Instagram, and even answering that one last work email will all keep you awake for hours past your bedtime.

Plenty of research shows that the blue light emitted from most electronic devices is energizing and can hinder the production of melatonin, the hormone your body releases right before you fall asleep.

To make sure you get a good night’s sleep, you have to turn off those electronics, even if you convince yourself that a game of Candy Crush is the most relaxing way to end your night.

Fortunately for you, there are tons of electronic-free activities you can try out before bed to help you fall asleep faster:

  1. Take a short walk around the block before getting ready for bed. Make sure you actually clear your mind by really taking in the scenery. Don’t just walk around while checking your phone the whole time!
  2. Call a friend, instead of simply texting them. Not only will your conversation flow better, but you’ll instantly feel happier and more relaxed after some real human interaction.
  3. Make a detailed list of everything you want to do and see before you die. It may seem strange at first, but there can’t be any harm in jotting down all your hopes and dreams. The simple act of concretely putting into words everything you want out of life will help you feel less stressed by giving your mind a little structure.  ##MN_RESP##
  4. Prep some food at night, so you can have something to look forward to in the morning. Knowing that your meals for the next day are already packed will also take away the stress of having to prep them in the morning.
  5. Start writing in a journal every night before bed. Instead of simply writing about your day, give yourself a specific prompt to answer each night, like: “My favorite way to spend the day is…” or “The one thing I wish others knew about me is…”
  6. Start an intricate jigsaw puzzle to keep your mind occupied. The rhythm of looking for fitting pieces will feel relaxing while relieving you of any stressful thoughts.
  7. Color, draw, or paint in any way you like! If you don’t want the pressure of painting something from scratch, go ahead and start an easy paint-by-numbers picture. Coloring books for adults are also becoming a hot new trend, so feel free to try one out.

What is your favorite way to relax and unwind before bed? Tell us in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2008 Bill Selak/Flickr