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6 Powerful Superfoods That Can Add Years To Your Life

6 Powerful Superfoods That Can Add Years To Your Life

To make sure you live as long as possible, you have to stay active and eat the right anti-aging foods. Read on for the 6 best superfoods that can help keep you young and vibrant!


As you get older, healthy eating becomes more than just a way to stay slim and fit—it’s how you add years to your life.

While there are plenty of different variables that determine how long you’ll live, you do have control over what you put inside your body to keep it healthy and strong.

By staying active and eating healthy foods rich in nutrients, you can actually slow the aging process and even avoid common age-related diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

There are tons of different foods out there that are packed with vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants to help keep you young and vibrant.

Here are 6 delicious and nutritious foods you can add to your diet right now to add extra years to your life:

  1. Yogurt: Rich in calcium and good bacteria, yogurt has always been a powerful food that helps stave off osteoporosis and age-related intestinal illnesses. Eat a cup of plain Greek yogurt today for a better, healthier tomorrow!
  2. Olive Oil: Not only does olive oil contain the monosaturated (healthy) fat you need to keep your heart strong, but it’s also rich in polyphenols. These powerful antioxidants have been known to help prevent a slew of age-related diseases.
  3. Fish: Oily fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids that can help prevent cholesterol buildup in arteries and protect against abnormal heart rhythms. Studies have shown that cultures consuming high amounts of fish on a daily basis actually have lower rates of heart disease.
  4. Nuts: Similar to olive oil, raw nuts are high in heart-healthy unsaturated fats. They’re also incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants.
  5. Chocolate: Pure cocoa is unbelievably rich in flavanols, which have been shown to help preserve the healthy function of blood vessels. This lowers the risk of high blood pressure, kidney disease, dementia, and type 2 diabetes.
  6. Wine: Drinking any alcohol in moderation may protect against age-related memory loss, heart disease, and diabetes. However, red wine in particular also contains resveratrol, a unique compound that may activate genes that slow cellular aging.

Do you have any anti-aging foods to add to the list? Let us know in the comments!

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