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Here's How A Piece Of STRING Can Give You The Abs You've Always Wanted

With all the weight loss gimmicks out there, it's hard to believe that tying a piece of string around your waist is really the answer to tighter abs--but it may be. Read on for everything you need to know about the amazing string method!


Everybody wants to find an easy way to get killer abs without spending hours at the gym. It doesn’t help that there are plenty of gimmicks out there, promising to trim your waistline while you sit on the couch.

But what if we seriously told you that the secret to a flatter stomach may be in a simple piece of string?

According to physiotherapist Sammy Margo, that’s really all you need to get healthy and fit!

Not only does she believe that people today are inactive, she also thinks they’re downright intimidated by the gym.

“The prospect of going to the gym two or three times a week might be scary for some people so we need to find ways of integrating exercise into daily life.” Margo said, according to the Daily Mail. “This will give you a flatter stomach, work your core, improve your abdominal tone as well as improve your posture.”

So, can a string really be the answer to a slimmer waistline? Actually, yes…but not in the way you might think.

Before you start rummaging through your house for an old piece of string, here is everything you need to know about the so-called “string method.”

The string works as a reminder

Believe it or not, the reason the string method works so well has very little to do with the actual piece of string, and a lot more to do with how you react to it. With the sting perfectly tied around your waist, it will serve as a constant reminder for you to tighten your abs—all day. For people who really don’t exercise, this is a great way to keep active throughout the day without hitting the gym. Over time, this can tighten your core and give you better posture.

Good posture is key

While the string method does help you tighten your abs, most of its results come in the form of your better posture. Because the string is constantly sitting on your waistline, you’ll feel more encouraged to sit up straighter throughout the day. Slouching leads to rounded shoulders, which allows you to push your stomach forward—giving your gut a more bloated appearance. In fact, Margo claims that better posture can help a person look 10 pounds lighter!

Don’t tie it too tight—or too loose

Margo suggests that the string should feel like a reminder, not an uncomfortable restriction. The best way to ensure you’re tying it on right is to draw in your abdominal muscles all the way, release them by about 50 per cent, and tie the string at that 50 per cent mark. If you incorporate it into your everyday activities, tightening your abs will feel less like work and more like a normal routine. So, try keeping it on when you walk, sit, and stand—no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

It does not take the place of exercise

Although Margo insists the string method can help even the most inactive individual, it works much better when combined with regular exercise. While it will not work miracles for somebody who never exercises, the constant activity may (hopefully) encourage sedentary individuals to start moving more often. “Anything to get people who may be physically inactive to engage their abdominals is going to help,” Margo said, according to the Daily Mail.

Is this something you would be interested in trying? Tell us in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2015 Sammy Margo/YouTube