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5 Post-Workout Mistakes You May Not Even Know You

5 Post-Workout Mistakes You May Not Even Know You're Making

Going to the gym every day means nothing if you don't treat your body right afterward. Before your next workout, take a look at these common post-exercise mistakes we've all made!


After a nice long workout, you probably want nothing more than to go home, relax, and recharge. You deserve it!

Unfortunately, you can’t just forget about the gym the moment you walk out the door. Your session may be over, but just a few post-workout mistakes can wipe out all that hard work you just did!

Exercise always pays off, but if you don’t treat your body right after a workout, you could be doing more irreparable damage to your muscles than you think.

Before you wipe out all your exercise gains, make sure to avoid these 5 common post-exercise mistakes:

  1. Re-hydrate with water: It’s no secret that water is just about the healthiest drink to put inside your body. Most of the time, water is exactly what you need to stay hydrated. But after a long, vigorous workout, you’re probably just drenched in sweat. This is when your body absolutely needs to replenish its vital electrolytes, like potassium and sodium, to repair muscle damage and avoid cramping. After an intense workout, make sure to drink about 16 oz to 24 oz of an electrolyte beverage. Not a fan of sports drinks? Many health experts agree that milk can be just as good (maybe better) than an electrolyte drink.
  2. Check your email: One of the greatest benefits of a good workout is how it makes you feel less stressed and more relaxed afterward. Putting stress on yourself immediately after exercising actually elevates your body’s inflammation levels and hinders your muscles’ ability to bounce back, according to a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. So, when you check your email after working out, you may be putting unwanted stress and anxiety on your body that unravels the benefits of your workout.
  3. Don’t get enough magnesium: According to research published in Nutrition Reviews, nearly half of Americans don’t get enough magnesium in their diet. Why is this so important? Your body actually needs magnesium for proper muscle function and recovery. Those hours spent at the gym don’t mean anything if you’re not replenishing your body with what it needs afterward. Some excellent sources of magnesium are spinach, beans, and nuts.
  4. Treat yourself with a glass of wine: This doesn’t mean you can never reward yourself with a glass of wine—just not immediately after you exercise. The problem is that the type of antioxidants found in red wine have been shown to neutralize the free radicals that circulate in your blood after a workout, according to a study from the Journal of Physiology. Those free radicals are what charge your muscles’ adjustments to exercise. So, if you cancel them out with a glass of pinot, your muscles—especially your heart—may not grow as strong as they would normally from your workout.
  5. Skimp on sleep regularly: Even if you muster up enough energy to go to the gym after a night a poor sleep, you might still be ruining your workout. The average adult needs about 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to function properly. If you’re getting less sleep than that, the protein pathways that allow your muscles to rebound after an intense workout may shut off.

Which of these mistakes do you think is the easiest to make? Tell us in the comments!

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