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The Best Carbs To Eat For Weight Loss

The Best Carbs To Eat For Weight Loss

According to science, however, there are a few great carbohydrates out that there are not only good for you but good for your waistline. Click here to find out more!


Carbohydrates are probably everyone's guilty pleasure--so it can be hard to quit cold turkey when you're already so attached.

According to science, however, there are a few great carbohydrates out that there are not only good for you but good for your waistline. Check out the list below!

1. Barley.
A study from Sweden discovered that barley has the potential to increase the levels of a hormone tied to satiety. Their research showed that boiled barley kernels can change bacteria in your gut, which in turn can rev up the metabolism. Researchers also found that this fiber-rich starch was shown to "decrease hunger sensations." Try adding some barley to your protein pancake recipe, or try tossing some in your salad or soup!

2. Oatmeal.
Oatmeal is always a great breakfast for busy people (especially homemade oatmeal, so you can be sure it doesn't have too much added sugar!). The high fiber content will also keep you full until lunch, which means you'll snack less throughout the day, saving you a handful of calories!

3. Maple Water.
You might not think "water" is a carb, but the dose of sugar found in this beverage definitely makes this a carb. You would think, though, that the sugar would make this a "bad" drink, but it's actually quite the opposite in this case. "Although coconut water seems to get all the attention these days, maple water is some healthy competition," states Los Angeles-based entertainment nutritionist Shira Lenchewski, M.S.. That's because it has about half the sugar of coconut water and only 20 calories per eight ounce serving. "And because it contains nutrients, such as manganese, iron, and calcium, maple water makes for an A+ option for replenishing fluids after a sweaty workout."

4. Popcorn.
In a study that compared the short-term satiety of these two popular snacks, food and health researchers from around the country found that most volunteers reportedly felt less hunger and more satisfaction after eating popcorn. Put down the microwave popcorn! Air-popped popcorn is the only way to go when you're trying to stay healthy. Add a little bit of cinnamon and sugar, or even try a dash of chili powder for extra metabolism-boosting effects.

5. Quinoa.
For a few years now, quinoa has been a major superfood praised around the world for it's high fiber content--and obviously, that still holds true. Why is that so good for you? Fiber gets released much slower into the bloodstream, keeping blood sugar levels balanced, which in turn increases your metabolism. This naturally gluten-free food is perfect with a grilled chicken or even tossed in a salad!

6. Roasted chickpeas.
A 2014 study states that eating pulses—a specific family of legumes that includes chickpeas, beans, peas, and lentils—can prevent overeating and help keep weight regulated. These little legumes are packed with fiber and protein, and make an amazing hearty addition to any meal!

7. Sweet potatoes.
If you're craving something hearty and sweet, look no further than a sweet potato. A medium-size sweet potato contains about 27 grams of carbs, but they've been shown to increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar, and in turn helps encourage a faster metabolism.

8. Whole-grain breakfast cereal.
Whole-grain cereals are naturally low in fat and high in fiber, so they make the perfect breakfast or snack. Research has also shown that it can help shrink your waistline. One study showed that men and women who consumed more whole-grain cereals had a much lower body mass index (BMI) and less abdominal fat. "This study takes the evidence a step further and shows that people who eat more whole-grain foods have lower abdominal fat," says lead researcher Nicola McKeown.

What do you think about this list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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