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10 Ways To Improve Your Health In Less Than 30 Seconds

10 Ways To Improve Your Health In Less Than 30 Seconds

Everyone has 30 seconds to spare, right? Click here to find out more!


Staying healthy can be hard, especially when you feel like you have absolutely no free time. You'd much rather binge watch a few more episodes on Netflix than sit around making a week's worth of lunches. Who has the time?

If you still want to stay healthy, though, we have some ways you can get and stay healthy in under 30 seconds. That's right! Everyone has 30 seconds, right?

Check it out below:

 1. Hug someone. 
"Most modern-day health problems — digestive disorders, obesity, insomnia, mental fog, depression, premature aging, diabetes, cancer — are either caused or exacerbated by stress," Kayleigh Pleas, a certified holistic health coach who has a master's degree in applied positive psychology and is associated with Tournesol Wellness, a holistic medical facility based in New York City, tells Cosmo. Thankfully, "humans are hardwired with a coping mechanism that's activated by comforting physical contact: The body releases a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin tells your brain that you're safe, which deactivates your fight-or-flight response to stress and lets your body focus on healing and maintaining its systems."

2. Hug yourself.
Sounds lame, right? But it's actually true. As previously mentioned, when you hug your loved ones, your brain is flooded with the feel-good hormone oxytocin. The good news it that you can do that for yourself, as well! By touching yourself, even just rubbing your arm, can send feel-good signals to your brain and release oxytocin.

3. Floss.
We can't say we know anyone that flosses regularly, but it's one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself and your body. Need some motivation? "Research suggests that questionable oral hygiene can lead to gum inflammation, sores, and ulcers, and leave your mouth open to infection, including HPV," Pleas explains.

4. Wash your hands (for real).
Do you remember that grade-school rule to wash your hands to the tune of "Happy Birthday" or "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"? A lot of us don't wash our hands long enough, which means you might not be really washing away any germs or bacteria. "Keeping hands clean and free of germs is your first line of defense against illness," says Dr. Roshini Raj, an attending physician at NYU Medical Center/ Tish Hospital. So go ahead, sing it out!

5. Call your mom.
Recent studies show that just hearing your mothers voice will release oxytocin and boost the immune system. Seems like if you have a cold, calling your mom really will help!

6. Microwave your kitchen sponge. 
You might not know this, but the sink is probably the dirtiest place in your house. And guess what? Your sponge lives there, which means it picks up and traps germs, bacteria, and mold in it's crevices. By microwaving your sponge for just 30, you can kill all that nasty stuff and get right back to cleaning!

7. Stand up.
There have been a handful of studies that suggest the more you sit on your butt, the more likely you are to die from basically anything.

8. Chug a beer.
According to a new study, hops (an ingredient in beer that prevents it from spoiling and makes it taste bitter) contain an antioxidant that may fend off Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Cheers to your health!

9. Think about flexing.
Recent studies have shown that just thinking about working out and flexing your muscles will actually help keep your body active and improve your strength. In other words, those superhero fantasies you have might actually be working, so keep them up!

10.Press your "positive points."
"Press the area right above the pupils and halfway between the eyebrows and hairline, and press for about one minute," suggests occupational therapist Mari Miyoshi, who teaches a coping technique called Brain Gym at Tournesol Wellness. "When you're stressed, this exercise can bring the blood into the prefrontal cortex, which helps you make more thoughtful decisions to benefit the body and mind," Miyoshi says.

What do you think about these healthy tips? Let us know in the comments!

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