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How Much Sugar Is Really In Your Food?

How Much Sugar Is Really In Your Food?

Do you have any idea how much sugar you're actually eating everyday? Click here to learn more!


We all know that sugar is bad for you. Eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain, insatiable hunger, cavities, diabetes, liver failure, pancreatic cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, gout, and nutritional deficiencies.

Why do we keep reaching for more, then, when there are so many side effects?

For one, sugar can actually be addicting. While there is no definitive link between a physical addiction (like an addiction to cocaine, for example) is the same as the addiction people can have with sugar, recent research has found that "rats can become dependent on sugar, further supporting the idea that similar behavior might be present in humans," according to Business Insider.

"In some circumstances, intermittent access to sugar can lead to behavior and neurochemical changes that resemble the effects of a substance of abuse," one study noted.

Okay, so you know sugar is bad. Do you have any idea how much sugar you're actually eating everyday? You might not have a handful of Skittles at lunch, but you might be surprised to know that your salad dressing has just as much sugar as a half a can of soda!

Check out the video below to find out more!

Video Credit: BuzzFeedBlue/YouTube

What do you think about this? How much sugar do you eat? Let us know in the comments!
