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9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Love

9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Love

We all know that love can make us happy, but did you also know it can make you healthy? Click here to find out how!


Love is in the air, and it turns out, that love can not only make you happier, but it can actually make you healthier--whether you're the one in love or not!

Check out nine ways that love can help your health:

1. It Gives You Energy. 
When you're in love, you may find yourself staring out the window, daydreaming about the amazing weekend you had with your loved one. Turns out, daydreaming can actually boost your energy, according to research in the journal of Psychophysiology. Researchers tested participants' blood glucose levels before and after they saw their partners, and they found that they had a boost about 10 to 25 minutes after they saw them.

2. Keeps you fit.
Sure, when you're in the honeymoon phase of your relationship, you might forgo the gym for a few more minutes (okay, hours) of cuddling. But studies show that when you're ready to get back to the gym, your partner can help you. According to a new study from University College of London, couples who diet and/or exercise together have a better chance at long-term success.

3. Relieves pain.
Studies have found that couples who feel comfortable together and who provide a feeling of stability for each other actually help reduce the amount of pain they would feel. According to a study in PLOS One, love can blunt pain up to 40 percent--and the study was done with just a picture of the participants' significant other.

4. Protects your heart.
This sounds particularly romantic, doesn't it? Opening your heart to someone can actually protect the health of your heart! According to research in Psychosomatic Medicine, spending time with your loved ones can actually lower your blood pressure. Other studies have shown that happily married couples have a 12 percent lower risk of heart disease compared to singles.

5. It helps you heal faster.
Even during rough patches, your partner can still provide some incredible benefits! Researchers at Ohio State University College of Medicine used suction cups to give married couples small blisters or wounds, then watched them fight. Those who worked through the issues in a more loving, positive way had a healthier immediate immune response than more hostile pairs, which means that their wounds healed 60 percent faster.

6. It boosts your immune system.
Similar to the previous study, it was found that couples who cuddle more had less severe cold symptoms than those who didn't cuddle very often. This is because when you hug someone you love, it triggers your body's built-in defense to germs.

7. It reduces stress.
Not surprisingly, cuddling and hugging your significant other can also reduce the stress hormone. Turns out, that just seeing others being affectionate can also reduce stress, as it tamps down the brain's fight-or-flight responde to threatening stumuli.

8. It makes you feel happy and healthy.
Again, not surprising, is it? But it turns out that when you're in love, you tend to view everything in a better light, making you more optimistic. A study at the University of Missouri found that people in long-term relationships reported feeling happier and healthier than those who were single.

9. It helps you live longer.
According to several studies in the American Journal of Epidemiology, married men and women a have 24 percent lower risk of early death than singles. It's not just romantic love that can help you live longer, though. The key to this study was having a strong social support network.

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