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3 Guilt-Free Ice Cream Recipes

3 Guilt-Free Ice Cream Recipes

You might not know this, but there are a lot of different ways to make ice cream that are not only tasty but also healthy. Click here to find out more!


After a long day at the office, you might just want to come home and binge on some delicious ice cream.

If you're on a diet, though, that becomes unrealistic--you need to make sure that you're eating right and that you're not eating too much. In other words, bingeing on ice cream is definitely not the way to go.

Or is it?

You might not know this, but there are a lot of different ways to make ice cream that are not only tasty but also healthy.

The secret? Bananas!

That's right, take some tasty bananas (we recommend getting organic bananas for this ice cream recipe), slice them up, and throw them in the freezer. Along with a few other ingredients you likely already have lying around, you can have homemade ice cream in just a few seconds!

Thanks to the Domestic Geek, we have three incredible ice cream recipes that are to die for. The best part is that you can make this in no time at all, and since you're making it from scratch, you know exactly what's in it--no preservatives, no high-fructose corn syrup, and no guilt!

Check out the video below:

Video Credit: Domestic Geek/YouTube
What do you think about these recipes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2015 shani_willows/Instagram