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5 Foods That Will Help You Sleep Better Tonight

5 Foods That Will Help You Sleep Better Tonight

Instead of reaching for some sleeping pills, try reaching for these foods instead: some of them are even known as "nature's tranquilizer"! Click here to find out more!


In a day and age filled with hectic schedules, deadlines, and never-ending stress, it can be hard to maintain even the most basic principles of health--particularly our sleep schedules.

It's safe to say that many of us can feel like we don't sleep well enough or long enough. However, instead of reaching for some sleeping pills, try reaching for these foods instead: some of them are even known as "nature's tranquilizer"!

1. Oats, bananas, yogurt, or turkey. All of these foods are rich in the amino acid tryptophan. Your body uses tryptophan to produce the sleep-inducing substances serotonin and melatonin, both of which help you fall asleep and stay asleep longer.

2. Nuts and seeds. Another amazing source of tryptophan, nuts and seeds are also packed with magnesium--cleverly dubbed "nature's tranquilizer" for centuries. Try munching on some pumpkin seeds or try some chia seeds with yogurt!

3. Green leafy vegetables. Anything from spinach to kale to even broccoli is an incredible source of magnesium (remember: nature's tranquilizer!). If you find you have been having a hard time falling asleep lately, try a spinach salad for dinner!

4. Kiwis. In a recent study, kiwis have been shown to increase total sleep time as well as the quality of sleep. The study took 24 participants and had them consume two kiwis before bed every night for four weeks. All the participants reported sleeping longer and also said the quality of their sleep increased. Not only that, kiwis have been shown to help with cellulite: win-win!

5. Cherries. In almost any form, cherries have an abundance of melatonin--a "sleep" hormone in your brain that tells you it's time for bed! Amazingly, you can have cherries in almost any form to get a healthy dose of melatonin: dried cherries, cherry juice, fresh cherries, or even a cherry tart! What sleeping pills?

What do you think of these foods? What bedtime-snack would you try with these foods? Let us know in the comments!