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8 Foods You Should Definitely Eat Every Day

8 Foods You Should Definitely Eat Every Day

With help from the book 'Eat This! Not That!' and Yahoo! Health, we've compiled a list of foods you should strive to eat every day. Before you know it, you'll be full before you can even finish the list for the day! Click here to learn more!


There are so many people telling you what not to eat that it might start to become unclear what you should eat. Take the gluten-free fab that is sweeping the world right now: you can't eat anything that has any sort of grain in it, but there are a lot of foods that contain gluten (say goodbye to beer!).

With help from the book 'Eat This! Not That!' and Yahoo! Health, we've compiled a list of foods you should strive to eat every day. Before you know it, you'll be full before you can even finish the list for the day!

1. Oats. You can also substitute oats for quinoa, flaxseed, wild rice, to mix it up everyday, but these grains have incredible health benefits. These goodies are packed full of fiber which is amazing for heart health and keeps your digestion in check. While these are obviously high in carbohydrates, the fiber releases the sugar into your system more slowly, which counters the negative effects of sugar. They also have 10 grams of protein for every half of a cup!

2. Carrots. Bugs Bunny had it right! Carrots and other red, yellow, or orange vegetables and fruits are packed full of healthy carotenoids--a compound that has shown a reduction in a wide range of cancers, as well as a reduced risk and severity of inflammatory conditions such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis (this compound is fat-soluable, so be sure to eat a handful of nuts or another healthy-fat food to get the full benefits!). Not a fan of carrots? Try sweet potatoes, pumpkin, butternut squash, yellow bell peppers, or even mangoes.

3. Tomatoes. Unlike other food sources, tomatoes can deliver all their nutrients whether they are processed (like ketchup) or not! That's because they’re packed with more of the antioxidant lycopene--which can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin, and stomach cancers, as well as reduce the risk of coronary artery disease--and processed tomatoes are just as potent as fresh ones, because it’s easier for the body to absorb the lycopene. What better excuse is there to lather on the ketchup? Just be sure the ketchup you're using doesn't have an unbearable amount of sugar hiding in the ingredients. You can also substitute tomatoes with red watermelon, pink grapefruit, Japanese persimmon, papaya, or guava.

4. Walnuts. Did you know walnut have more omega-3's than salmon? They are also loaded with more anti-inflammatory polyphenols than red wine. To get these benefits, you only have to eat about 1 ounce (that's about 7 walnuts) a day. However, if walnuts aren't your thing, you can also eat almonds, peanuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, or hazelnuts (yum!). Try your hardest not to get this source from almond butter or nutella. As tempting as those are, they don't pack the same nutritious punch as eating them unprocessed.

5. Black Beans. Black beans are not only filled with heart-healthy fibers, but they are also rich in anthocyanins, an antioxidant compound that has been shown to improve brain function--not to mention, if you pair it with brown rice, you're getting a complete protein! Just a half a cup has eight grams of protein and 7.5 grams of fiber. If you prefer something else, try swapping black beans for peas, lentils, and pinto, kidney, fava, or even lima beans.

6. Blueberries. Blueberries are the super-berry of your kitchen. They are packed with more antioxidants than any other fruit in the world, and pack a healthy punch of vitamin A and C, along with a good dose of fiber. They can help prevent cancer, diabetes, age-related memory change, and they can even boost cardiovascular health! If you're not a fan of blueberries, swap it out for acai berries, purple grapes, prunes, raisins, or strawberries.

7. Yogurt. Yogurt has never been anything less than amazing--that's because it's filled to the brim with probiotic organisms that serve as reinforcements to the battalions of beneficial bacteria in your body. Not only does it give your immune system a good boost, but it also provides protection against cancers. You have to be sure that the container says "live and active cultures," or it isn't probiotic--which is the whole point of yogurt! Not a fan of yogurt, lactose-intolerant, or follow a vegan diet? Soy yogurt works just as well, and you can also try Kefir, a new super food you find in drinks!

8. Spinach. Spinach is packed with omega-3s and folate, which help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. It even contains compounds that help with sex-drive and blood flow. All you need is a cup a day (or half a cup of cooked spinach), and you'll be reaping all the rewards this leafy green has to offer! Try it in a salad or simply add to a smoothie. Also try kale, bok choy, or even romaine lettuce--they make great substitutes.

What do you think of these foods? How often do you eat them? Let us know in the comments!

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