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10 Bad Habits That Are Destroying Your Workout

10 Bad Habits That Are Destroying Your Workout

Thanks to Amanda Foti, a dietitian, and Kelvin Gary, a head trainer and gym owner, you'll always get the most out of your workouts if you avoid doing these 10 things. Click here to find out more!


What if we told you there is a good chance you are actually sabotaging your workout before you even break a sweat, and you didn't even know it? There is a good change you are, and we are here to help! Thanks to a registered dietitian and a certified head trainer, you will always get the most out of your workouts if you break the following 10 bad habits.

1. You're drinking too much water before you work out. Don't get us wrong, drinking water before, during, and after you work out is absolutely necessary. But drinking so much water that you feel bloated is not beneficial. According to Amanda Foti, a registered dietitian, it can leave you with cramps and it can even make you feel nauseous, forcing you to cut your workout short. Take sips before your workout, and bring a bottle with you to take sips while you sweat. Just be sure you aren't forcing it down!

2. You're working out on an empty stomach. Just like anything else, your body needs fuel in order to function properly. When you work out, you are pushing your body to new extremes, and working your engine hard with little to no fuel is counter intuitive. Luti explains that when you eat (carbohydrates in particular!), your body turns the food into fuel that your muscles store and release when you exercise. Eat a handful of trail mix, a Greek yogurt, a low-fiber granola bar, or even whole-grain toast with a nice dose of peanut butter about 20 to 30 minutes before hitting the gym, and your body will be ready to go!

3. You eat a huge meal before working out. While it might seem like a good idea to work out right after eating that second (or third) bowl of pasta in order to burn off excess calories, you have to keep in mind that digestion takes a lot of energy in itself. Adding more strain like a workout will only fatigue your body faster, which in turn means you don't accomplish much at the gym. Not to mention, it can make you feel nauseous!

4. You miss out on precious sleep to go to the gym. Kelvin Gary, certified head trainer and performance coach and owner of Body Space Fitness in NYC, explains that when your body is running off little sleep, it has a hard time keeping things running smoothly like your nervous system, balance, focus, and it struggles to burn calories efficiently. Even if you manage to power through it, you will cut your workout short and you just won't be able to work your hardest and burn the calories.

5. You eat something high in fiber before working out. Put down the Fiber One cereal, ladies and gents! Fiber is amazing when you're trying to lose weight, but not right before a workout. Because fiber is digested slowly, it usually gives you a slow, steady flow of energy because your body doesn't turn it into fuel right away. However, before a workout, you want something that will give you a boost of energy so you can work harder, longer, getting the most out of your workout. If you must fiber up, Foti says to go in for the kill two to three hours before your workout.

6. You don't have any goals you're trying to achieve. If you have a goal in mind while you're working out, it can really be a great tool in motivating you to get to the gym after a hard day at work. If you're new to the gym, try making a smaller goal for yourself--maybe try to get an eight minute mile!--and work towards that goal every day. No matter your goal, working towards something will help you feel more accomplished at the end of your workout everyday!

7. You drink a protein shake before you work out. This practice has been so popular for so long, we understand that it's hard to believe it isn't good for you. However, Foti says the nutrient is your body's least favorite kind of fuel, meaning it will not turn the food into fuel fast enough to get any benefits from. Make sure to eat carbohydrates (your bodies favorite fuel!) and try not to eat more than 20 grams of protein before your workout. Save your protein intake for after the gym, when your muscles can use that protein for recovery.

8.  You don't stretch. No matter what kind of workout you're planning to have, stretching is key. Without it, you aren't warming up your muscles appropriately, which means you might injure yourself. Stretching also increases your temperature and the blood flow to your muscles which in turn makes you more flexible. It will also help with soreness! Try stretching for just five minutes (try doing some lunges or high knee grabs) before your workout and see the difference!

9. You drink way too much coffee. In general, an eight ounce cup of coffee in the morning can do the body wonders. It can help you stay hydrated and can even boost your energy so you have a more intense workout. However, Yati explains that if you overdo the caffeine (we're looking at you, triple latte drinkers!) it can start to have the opposite effect, and disrupt your workout with lots of bathroom breaks.

10. Getting stuck in a workout rut. If you aren't challenging your body to work, it won't burn any calories. Inevitably, your body will get used to whatever your routine is at the gym, meaning it won't burn the same amount of calories. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to exercise, and you can always loop back around to your favorite. Instead of running your usual three miles, change it up with some cycling classes, Pilates, or even a kickboxing class.


What do you think of these tips? Are you guilty of any of these habits? Let us know in the comments!

Photo Copyright © 2007 Raul Lieberwirth