Share with us a little about your background and what has led you to living such a healthy and fit lifestyle.
After my 21st birthday, I realized I was leading that typical college-student life: full of late night eating, all-night boozing and little sleep. I was embarrassed of my bad habits when I went home to visit over the summer holiday. I saw a Runner's World issue sitting on our kitchen counter, and decided to give running a try. Do you know the term "Fake it until you make it?" That was my mantra. I had just moved to a new city, had a new boyfriend, and decided to start living a healthy lifestyle. I would embody it, even if I really wasn't a healthy person - yet. I stopped smoking cigarettes and picked up a pair of beat up running shoes on the back porch and took off down our gravel road.
It took me over a year before my knees were in any kind of shape to hit a double digit run. I was adamant that I couldn't really call myself a "runner" until I hit 10 miles or more. Here I am, 6 Half Marathons later, and a long run of 15 miles under my belt. I never thought I'd see the day.
I was introduced to CrossFit after I was married to my husband, about two years ago. His 1st SGT lead a platoon of soldiers and invited me to come along in the morning during their PT sessions. At this point, I couldn't do a push up, a pull up, or even lift an empty 45 pound barbell off the ground and overhead. I was weak sauce!
But, I kept at it with my running, and in February of this year, started CrossFitting 5-6 times a week. I take CrossFit incredibly seriously. It's not just circuit training. It's not body-weight exercises. It's gymnastics, Olympic lifting, power lifting, Strongman. Pushups in your living room are not CrossFit. Learning how to deadlift twice your body weight, that's CrossFit. It takes dedication, skill, and an ability to get up again after falling a hundred times. It's not as easy as lacing up your shoes and going for a long run. It's the hardest and the most rewarding thing I've ever done. I've come a place I never thought I'd be, and I still have so much more to learn and master.
What is your philosophy when it comes to food and eating? What kind of diet do you follow and why?
I don't follow any kind of diet or paradigm. I listen to my body and eat sensibly. Does a pound of bacon sound sensible in one sitting? No! I listen to my stomach (mindful eating was something I had to practice!), eat several times a day, mainly following a macro-nutrient breakdown of about 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat.
We are currently doing a Paleo-type Challenge at our CrossFit box, so I have been supplementing my carbs with Paleo bread (Julian's bakery), sweet potato, pumpkin, and about 2 pounds of vegetables a day! I have a big day on Sunday's where I prepare a bunch of crock-pot chicken, meatloaf, and coconut flour pancakes and waffles for the week.
On your blog, you share that you are a Certified Personal Trainer from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. What are your top 3 pieces of advice for someone who wants to get into shape?
1. Make working out a priority. Just like you wake up and go to work every day, or just like you wake up and make breakfast for your kids every day, fitness has to be a daily effort. It has to become a habit. It takes 21 days to learn a new habit; get started!

3. Don't eat away your calories. I see so many people who go for a "long" run and then eat a huge breakfast when they get back, including tons of sugar. It kills me! Sugar is deposited ONE place, your abs! You go for a run, and then eat the one food that sticks like velcro to your stomach? Ask yourself before you drench your waffles in syrup if that two hour run was worth it?
What are a couple of your favorite balanced meals you prepare for breakfast?
While on the Whole Life Challenge, I love to make 3 eggs over easy with a handful of baby tomatoes. Fats, protein, and a little carb. Keeps me full for hours!
I read an article a long time ago from Erin Stern, who said she starts her day every day with breakfast before the gym. So normally (when not on the WLC) I make 1/4 cup of steel cut oats in the microwave with water and cinnamon. When they are cooked, I add 1/3 cup of pastured egg whites to the bowl and mix it well. I add a few drops of pure liquid stevia and I'm set! About an hour later, I'm off to the box for a WOD, or a Spin class, or a run.
For more from Courtney Moore, visit her blog at!