Tell us a little about yourself!
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of HealthyPage! My name is Alex, and I eat a sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free diet. I started Spoonful of Sugar Free as a way to share my crazy recipes. I also have multiple “Sugar-Free Challenges” throughout the year where participants can give up sugar for a certain period of time (usually ten days), and are entered to win prizes. It is a fun way to challenge yourself with another group of people. Check back at my website within the next couple months to see when I will host the next challenge.
I also just started college and have started a brand new “HECTIC” posting series. This stands for “Healthy Eating College Tip Thursdays.” The last post gave tips about utilizing the pantry. If this is of interest to you or a friend in college, check back every Thursday for a new tip!
On your blog, “Spoonful of Sugar Free” you share that you follow a completely sugar-free diet. What made you decide to take sugar out of your diet?
I’ve always been sensitive to sugar since I was a little baby. When I’d eat it I would get a rash on my cheek, but I would always just ignore it and go on eating my hot fudge sundae. Then when I was 13 years old I started really getting into health and nutrition, so I decided to completely stop eating sugar altogether. I would research all kinds of different ways to be healthy, and I learned about the dangers of eating too much sugar. Once I realized this, I quit eating sugar. No white sugar, no honey, no syrup, and no artificial sugar substitutes.
Everything was going fine until about five months into my new sugar free life. It was Thanksgiving and I had always been a huge fan of pumpkin pie. I told myself, “One little slice won’t hurt.” Boy was I wrong! After the first bite, a bright red rash shot up the side of my cheek. Then after finishing the minuscule slice, I received a massive headache and my whole body felt sick for the rest of the day. After that, I only tried sugar about twice more with the same results. Ever since then I have not eaten sugar. I can eat fruit, but only in small amounts. When I do eat fruit, I usually have to pair it with fat like peanut butter to calm down the effects on my system.
Ever since then I have not eaten sugar. I also don’t eat dairy or gluten because I have sensitivities to those as well. I do not regret it at all because I feel great and honestly love being creative with my diet in the kitchen!
I have a few posts on this topic actually! A lot of people are scared to take the plunge and go “sugar-free,” but many of my Sugar Free Challenge participants have told me that it is a lot easier than they thought, and they continued to eat sugar-free or low sugar and feel great. Here are a few tips to go sugar-free:
Clear your mind and de-stress (sugar isn’t the answer to your problems!), get rid of sugar in your house so you won’t be tempted, stock your kitchen with good food to grab when hunger strikes, check ingredient lists, encourage others to join you so you can have a “buddy,” eat savory foods to crave less sweets, get plenty of sleep, and stay hydrated. You can read more tips here or here.
What are a couple natural foods you really enjoy eating and why?
My favorite food combo is Chocolate, Banana, and Peanut Butter. I love it! I have a lot of recipes on my site using this combo like my PBC Bars or Chocolate PB Banana Cream Pie.
I eat all-natural peanut butter with no added sugars or hydrogenated oils. It tastes amazing and has a ton of healthy fats and protein. Unsweetened chocolate is also a favorite (found in the baking aisle). It contains no added sugar and a lot of antioxidants!
What are some of your favorite healthy desserts?
Oh goodness, there are so many to choose from! You can look at my Cookies, Bars and Bites and Dessert recipe page to see them all. Right now a favorite of mine is the Paleo Cherry Chocolate Chunk Cake For One. It is made with coconut flour and has bursts of chocolate and fresh cherries.
For more from Sugarfree Alex, visit her blog,, and follow her on twitter, facebook, instagram, and pinterest.