Share a little bit about yourself. What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I'm an active gal working and working out in the Midwest. I enjoy working hard at being fit and healthy. I really love to cook and bake, read, workout (swimming, spinning, running, yoga, etc.), and appreciate that my 2 dogs (Tucker and Kostas) always ensure that I exercise everyday by getting them out for their daily walk(s).
Why did you decide to name your blog "Apples and Arteries"?
When I first started to brainstorm a blog, I thought about calling it "Kostas in the Kitchen". My 6 year old white Labrador Kostas is always in the kitchen when I'm cooking/baking. However, I wanted a blog name/brand that was more representative of me and what I knew I'd want to write about.
Apples are my favorite food. Late Summer/early Fall is apple season in Wisconsin and I love supporting local orchards and trying new varieties. My baking takes a turn towards everything-apple when fresh apples are in season. Apples also represent eating healthy fruits and vegetables. So they represent the healthy-food aspect of my blog.
Arteries represent heart-health. I work out to stay physically and mentally healthy and heart-health is key to what I'm working to achieve.
I really enjoy pushing myself in a spinning class. I can make it my own - I'm in charge of how hard I push and I always walk out (albeit on sore, wobbly legs) knowing I've gotten a great cardiovascular workout.
Running or taking the dogs for a long walk is when I can tune-out and either map out the day ahead (if it's an AM session) or re-cap the day (during a PM session). Running also pushes me to be fit and try to be fast. A few years ago I broke my heal during a hiking fall and couldn't run for 4 months. Since then I've never taken mobility for granted. I used to run the Chicago Marathon (5 years in a row!) and that was a huge accomplishment for me. I didn't grow up a runner so every time I do run (2 miles, 4 miles, 26.2 miles), it's a sense of accomplishment.
I may have been born part fish. Swimming has always been fun for me and I swam competitively in high school. I still love "kicking it" in the pool.
Yoga and weight training round out my workout program. Both make me feel strong!
Why types of foods make up the majority of your diet?

Even though I love to bake, I have ZERO sweet tooth. I guess I'm lucky?
What does being "healthy" mean to you?
Making decisions each day to take care of myself (and loved ones) as best as I can. That means controlling what I eat and making sure to set aside time each day for some sort of physical activity. Sometime that means waking up at 5am to get to the gym before work or recognizing that a 5 mile walk with the dogs is exercise.
My father had a heart attack when he was just 46 years old - that was followed by bypass surgery. He was out for a run the AM when he had the heart attack. Overall, he was healthy and active - but family history worked against him. Recognizing that family history, as an adult I've decided to control what I can control which is what I put into my body and how I take care of my body.
Do you have any advice for someone who is trying to become healthier?
Take it one day at a time. Set short-term goals that lead to a long-term goal. Ask others for advice. Try something new. Don't get discouraged. Keep a positive attitude.
For more from Nicole, visit her blog, and follow her on Twitter @ApplesArteries