Here Is How To Get It:
1- Just start an online baby registry for free
2- Visit a buybuy BABY store to get your free Goody Bag! You'll just need to go to the customer service desk and give them your registry name and they'll hand the bag to you.
Here Is What I Received In My Buybuy Baby Goody Bag:

- Pampers sample pack
- Honest diapers sample pack
- Gerber baby bib
- Aquafor ointment sample
- Aveeno baby wash sample
- Boogie wipes samples
- Baby On Board car sign
- Lansinoh breastfeeding samples
- Dreft laundry soap samples
- Milestone cards
- Coupons for several baby brands & products
Content in the bag varies depending on the brands they’re partnering with at the moment.
So start your registry here, then head to the store to pick up your free bag!