Is there anything better than thick, long, and luscious eyelashes? For those of us who weren’t blessed with naturally stunning lashes, there’s always mascara, but that can be a pain to put on every day, especially if you’re going on vacation and don’t want your makeup to run. Thankfully, eyelashes extensions have become a rather common and fairly affordable cosmetic treatment for those of us looking to enhance our lashes!
Eyelash extensions are attached to your existing lashes using a specially formulated glue, and they last about 3-4 weeks. While this fun and simple treatment can completely amp up your look, one of the most common questions to be asked is: is the process safe?
The answer is, of course, yes- but only when performed by a professional. Unfortunately, there are some phonies out there applying eyelash extensions in an unsafe, unprofessional manner, and the results will make you cringe.
A woman in Australia went to a salon known as Emmaculate Beauty to get a touch up on her fabulous extensions. However, when owner and technician Emma Dhanjal got a closer look, she was terrified by what she saw. The woman’s skin was completely inflamed and infected.

In a Facebook post that has since been deleted, Emma shared images of the woman’s terrifying eyelash extension experience, and used it as a warning for others.

"Her natural lashes are sooooo damaged from the place she has been having her lashes done, they were falling out when I touched them with the tweezers," she wrote. "This should NEVER ever happen to your lashes, please do not be scared of having lash extensions applied, if you do your research and go to the right place your lash extensions can be applied for years and years without having a break."

The woman had to go to the doctor to be treated for her infection, and the images are enough to scare you away from eyelash extensions altogether. However, when performed by an experienced professional, receiving eyelash extensions is a completely safe process.
"She wanted lashes for her birthday this weekend and I could not lash her because she has been left with no lashes," Emma said. “Her lashes may never be the same again.”

While this story may be an alarming one, it’s important to remember to do your research before getting any kind of treatment.
"I take a lot of pride in my work and this makes me feel sick it is still happening out there. Make sure you are 100 percent certain you know the background of your next eyelash artist." Emma warned.
“My advice for people looking to get lashes is to look at reviews, and make sure the professional knows what they're doing. Prices are also important - you get what you pay for if you go too cheap. Definitely look at photos on social media to find out if the place is any good.” she urged.
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