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Mom Proudly Defends Doing

Mom Proudly Defends Doing 'Nothing' During The Summer With Her Kids

Read on to see why this mom thinks that doing "nothing" during summer vacation is exactly what she and her kids need.

Photo Copyright © 2017 Facebook


While summer vacation is the most exciting time for kids, it can be a bit more of a struggle for parents. Shipping the little ones off to school each day leaves time to run errands, get the house together, work, and accomplish everything you need without the distraction and needs of kids. So, when summer break rolls around, the pressure is really on to keep your children entertained each and everyday.

Mom Kristen Hewitt had tons of ideas in store for her little ones during their summer vacation.

“I had big plans to be a "good mom" this summer.” she wrote on Facebook. “There were going to be chore charts, reading goals, daily letter writing practice, and cursive classes. There would be no screen time until the beds were made, and planned activities for each day of the week.”

Not only did Kristen have lots of productive plans for her kids, but she wanted to make sure that it wasn’t all fun and games either. However, when that first day of summer break finally hit, things did not go as planned.

“Today was the first day of summer vacation and our scheduled beach day. But here's what we did instead. Lounged in our pj's until 11am, baked the girl's pick - chocolate chip cookie brownies, started an art project we never finished, then moved to the pool.”

She goes on to admit that the pressure from social media often makes parents feel like they always have to be doing something with their kids.

“It's so easy to be pressured by things we see on social. Ways to challenge our kids and enrich their summer. But let's be real - we're all tired.
Tired of chores, tired of schedules and places to be, tired of pressure, and tired of unrealistic expectations.”

That first lazy day of summer break made Kristen realize something: she didn’t want to do anything over the break at all.

“So instead of a schedule we're doing nothing this summer. Literally NOTHING.
No camps. No classes and no curriculums. Instead, we're going to see where each day takes us. I've dubbed this the "Summer of Me", so workouts and clean eating are a priority for me. And also giving our girls the freedom to pick what THEY want to do.”

This may sound a bit strange, but it’s not like Kristen’s kids are just going to be sitting on the couch all summer. Kristen explained some of the things her family wants to do, but the main takeaway is that she wants to keep it mellow.

“We may go to a local pool and check out the swimming programs. And we join the local YMCA. But whatever we do - it will be low key.” she wrote. “It will include family time, too much TV, a few trips, lots of sunshine, some new roller skates, water balloons, plenty of boredom, rest, relaxation, and reading. (Because mama likes to read!)”

Kristen encourages other parents not to feel pressure to always have something planned for their kids for the summer, and reminds them that they aren’t alone.
What do you think about Kristen’s summer plans?