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12-Year-Old Girl Wants To Be In The Delivery Room For Her Brother

12-Year-Old Girl Wants To Be In The Delivery Room For Her Brother's Birth, But The Doctor Makes A Shocking Suggestion

Read on to find out what this 12-year-old girl got to do in the delivery room during the birth of her brother.

Photo Copyright © 2017 Today


When an only child finds out they’re going to a big brother or sister, it’s a pretty major moment. There are a lot of changes to prepare for, but typically, the child is excited and enthusiastic about meeting their new sibling.

Depending on the age of the soon-to-be big brother or sister, they can usually be present in the delivery room as well. 12-year-old Jacee Dellapena not only got to be in the delivery room for the birth of her sibling, but she did something even more amazing.

Jacee had originally just planned on witnessing the birth of her baby brother, but after the doctor noticed that she was having trouble seeing all the action, he invited her to help him deliver the baby!

“I started crying because I was too short to see anything. The doctor was like, 'Just go ahead and get some gear on and come help me deliver the baby.'” Jacee said.

With Jacee’s mother propped up too high for her to see, she threw on some scrubs and helped bring her brother into the world instead. After hearing what the doctor said, Jacee’s mother was floored. She thought the whole thing was a joke, but the doctor was completely serious.

“I couldn’t believe it. I was like, what? Uh, no. Never in a million years. But the doctor said, ‘I’m being serious. I’ll guide her hands and everything. So she got up in there and was suddenly in the middle of everything.” said Jacee’s mom, Dede Carraway.

Being in the delivery room is something Jacee has always wanted, and when she wasn’t able to be present for the birth of her brother Zayden over a year ago, she made sure that she’d be there when her mom became pregnant again.

Knowing that her daughter had received sex ed classes in school, she felt comfortable with the 12-year-old in the room, and definitely felt that she would handle everything just fine.

She was right, and Jacee was comfortable with the entire experience. All she was worried about was doing something wrong during the delivery.

“I was a nervous wreck. I was nervous and shocked at the same time. I was scared I was going to mess up or do something wrong because there are plenty of things you can do wrong.”

But Jacee was a total pro, and she even cut her brother Cayson’s umbilical cord after delivery. She said she feels “blessed” to have been a part of such an incredible moment, and she can’t wait to tell her brother all about how she helped with his delivery when he’s old enough!

Can you imagine helping to deliver a baby at just 12 years old? Maybe Jacee has a future in the medical field! We’re certain she and the rest of her family will never forget this incredible day.

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