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She Shows Her Body Transformation After 5 Years. But What She Struggles With The Most Is What

She Shows Her Body Transformation After 5 Years. But What She Struggles With The Most Is What's Inside.

Anna Victoria revealed that the physical transformation wasn't even the biggest obstacle that she had to face. Read on for more details!

Photo Copyright © 2017 Instagram/@annavictoria


Anna Victoria, creator of The Fit Body Guides, recently posted a photo of herself five years ago next to a photo of hers now for #TransformationTuesday on Instagram. Although the physical changes on her body was something that she deemed to be proud for, the famouse fitness influencer said that she struggled the most with her internal issues.

Anna Victoria wrote, “Sometimes I don’t like calling it that because I was never unhappy with the way I looked to begin with. My transformation was more about how I felt on the inside, about my health, and that’s not something I can show you in a picture.

“While I'm happy with the physical changes I've worked so hard for, they don't compare to the non-physical changes that aren't visible to the naked eye. Those non-physical changes are what keep me going.

“There's always room for physical improvement and there's always someone who looks better than you, and those two facts can be freaking exhausting if it's all you're concerned with. It can put you in a constant state of wanting to restrict food more, work out more, and if you're not careful, lead to an unhealthy obsession and relationship with workouts and with food. That's not what I want for me or for any one of you.”

Anna Victoria said that the actual transformation from her previous shape and body to something similar to her current one happened nine months after her before photo was taken.  She shared that she does set goals and challenge herself to fulfill them. However, she had always been concerned about balancing her life without letting fitness take it over.

Anna Victoria said, “These last 5 years I've been pushing myself but I've also been living my life, enjoying vacations and cheat meals and completely indulging and having no regrets. I don't work out to punish myself for eating ice cream and I don't restrict myself if I feel I want to relax a bit.

“I DO however keep in mind how food affects me mentally and emotionally and that's what keeps me eating as healthy as I do. Do I have people telling me I should be more lean? Yes. That I could gain more muscle? Yes. But I'm not concerned with other people's ideas of what I should or shouldn't do with my body.

“I'm doing what I want which is to kick ass in the gym, be empowered by my workouts and feeling strong, but still enjoy life and to value balance above rock hard abs or a lower body fat percentage.”