A factory worker in China suffered from an accident that caused his right hand to be severed off his arm. He was immediately taken to the hospital and went into surgery. However, before doctors reattached his right hand back to his arm and wrist, they attached it to his left leg first as part of the healing procedure, The Sun reports.
The man’s right hand had to be sewed to his lower left leg for a total of thirty days, which would be enough time for the stump to heal. This procedure is needed in healing tissues that suffered from an extensive damage.
Seven months later, the man, who’s in his fifties, can finally move his fingers on his right hand and regained sensation. He was only known by his last name, Gao. The whole incident happened in July last year, while Mr. Gao was operating a machine and then his hand got crushed and ripped off of his arm.
Mr. Gao was taken immediately to Xuzhou Renci Hospital in Jiangsu Province in the eastern China. The doctors managed to stop the bleeding in his wrist. The doctors succeeded in preserving his right hand. But they had to hold off the reattachment produce for about a month due to the extensive tissue damage around the stump.

The doctors then sewed the right hand to his leg. That way, the tissues of the hand would still be preserved. The reattachment surgery took about eight hours to finish. After that, doctors connected a steel frame around Mr. Gao’s arm and hand in order to keep his bones and tendons in place as it continued to heal, according to The Sun.
After seven months, the doctors removed the frame. Mr. Gao confirmed that he was finally able to feel his right hand again, although sometimes it can be itchy.
There was another news that covered a similar case. Another man from China lost his ear in a car accident last year. In order to give him another ear, doctors from the hospital in China used a 3-D print of an ear and placed it inside the man’s arm. The accident happened in November last year. The new ear was ready to be attached last week.
The surgery took seven hours to finish. The man who was named Ji was operated by one of the country’s best surgeons, Dr. Guo Shuzhong. The surgery was successful, blood flowed to the artificial ear.