Bobbie Rutland, 31 years old, already has four children when she finally decided to not have any more kids. She was on her way to get her fallopian tubes tied when she found out that she was carrying babies again after giving birth to her latest baby just last year. It’s no surprise that Bobbie was flabbergasted when she found out, the Daily Mail reports.
Rutland found out that was about to have not only one, but three babies. She told Daily Mail, “I laughed at first, and then I cried. And then I laughed some more, and then I cried some more.”
Rutland had been feeling very ill during the first twelve weeks of her pregnancy that her husband, Shane, said that she could be having twins. Rutland, who’s from Western Australia was already feeling nervous and scared when she discovered that she was carrying babies again.
Although, at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel relieved and happy that her youngest would have someone to play with. When the triplets were born, they were very scared. Bobbie was in bed rest for two weeks as soon as she began to have contractions only after 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Jeanine Vlyminck, Rutland’ midwife, had her patient listed to be transferred to a specialist hospital. But when she knew that there wasn’t enough time to transfer her, they had to perform an emergency caesarian.
Rutland went into labor. Twenty minutes later, she already gave birth to the first infant. her new kids are Cooper, Emma, and Charlie. She said, “They're all above their birth weight and just came out of their incubators yesterday and are in the little cots. They’re doing absolutely fabulous.”
She gave to the triplets on March 7 ten weeks before their due date of birth.
The three babies have to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit until they reach a safe and healthy weight. Rutland, who now has seven children, said, “I'm scared, obviously, bringing three babies home instead of one, but I'm excited. Just being able to spend time with all of the kids, obviously having seven of them is going to be an experience!”
Rutland’s other kids are aged 11, nine, eight, and one; the oldest is a girl while the next three are all boys.
Rutland will have her tubes tied immediately as soon as she fully recovered from the pregnancy. She said, “I do not intend on having any more children. Seven children is more than enough!”