A perfectly innocent picture of a father sweetly kissing his baby has been turned into one of the most disturbing photos of all time, thanks to Imgur!
Since this photo was shared on Imgur just a day ago, many people have been trying their hardest to see the “optical illusion” in the picture.
For those of us who just can’t see what all the fuss is about, it’s starting to feel a lot like #TheDress pandemonium we all went through last year.
But if you can’t see it, no worries—you’re definitely not alone.
The caption reads: “Sweet Jesus! What is happening here?"
Unless you catch it right away, you probably won’t get why so many people are calling this photo gross and disgusting.
As one commenter put it: "Ooooh it's his ear, not his rear."
It seems like the dad’s bald head, hairy shoulders, and perfectly placed ear have made this totally normal, adorable photo look like something it’s definitely not (Thankfully!)
In just 24 hours, this confusing photo has already been viewed more than 3 million times.